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Chapter 1



This chapter provides an overview of the total number of items that should be included in the host country’s project budget, relevant to what they are responsible for.

While some items within the master project budget may be covered by sponsor funds, it is still recommended that the host country include these expenses. The table featured in this chapter provides details of host country expenses referred to in the cost-sharing agreement.

Important Information:

Assumptions in preparing the budget:

  • Number of participants: 3,000 – 4,000
  • Duration of the event: 4 days plus 1 day in advance for opening of on-site registration and preparatory meetings (excluding set-up and dismantling) plus half day for President’s bilateral meetings
  • Costs for setup and dismantle, venue and equipment hire days and rehearsal requirements at all venues
  • Number of events: up to 100
  • Provide 15% of budget for contingency expenditures
  • Identify events and services that may be of interest to sponsors

Useful Resources From This Chapter:

  1. Hosting the Annual Meeting entails detailed preparations and quick decisions and choices dependent in many cases on the cost and budget limitations. The division of costs and responsibilities between ADB and the host country is set out in the Memorandum of Understanding and the Cost-Sharing Agreement. There is no expected income to ADB or the host country;
     To ensure adherence to approved budgets, monitoring of expenses should be implemented by both ADB and host country following clear guidelines for staff regarding authority to incur expenditure.
    however, the host country may consider means of defraying expenses such as sponsorships and partnerships with the private sector and other sources of revenue. Costs may be shared between central and local governments.
  2. The host country should ensure that its budget is approved on time to avoid delays in procurement of services and suppliers. The host country will provide an update to ADB on budget approval one year before the Annual Meeting. To ensure adherence to approved budgets, monitoring of expenses should be implemented by both ADB and host country following clear guidelines for staff regarding authority to incur expenditure. Advice on financing implications shall be given as early as possible to concerned parties if there are unforeseen expenses.
  3. In case the anticipated level of sponsorship is not achieved (e.g., sudden decision of sponsors to back out), the host country shall ensure back-up scenarios, such as diversifying funding base or working closely with other local sources of funds. Any decision to downsize or revise the program or meeting plans should be made at least by January of the year of the Annual Meeting.
  4. Suggestions for budgeting for the event are provided below:
    • Calculate the expenditures by identifying expense categories at each stage:
      • preparatory stage: venue rental and/or construction and set-ups, cost of engaging the professional congress organizer; cost of meetings, including hiring of vehicles or transportation allowance, venue, meal allowance; cost of temporary offices, including supplies, temporary personnel, equipment; cost of travel including airfare, hotel and allowance; cost of simulation exercises; public relations, marketing and website.
      • during the Annual Meeting: utilities, security, transport, speakers, secretariat and staff, food and beverages, furniture and equipment, supplies, insurance.
      • post Annual Meeting: cost of dismantling and making final payments, final reporting including actual expenditures.
    • Identify which expenses within each category are fixed (e.g. venue, marketing materials, audio-visual requirements) and which are variable (expenses that vary according to the number of delegates e.g. meals).
    • Calculate overall budget using the expense categories; identify sponsorship or partnership opportunities to support the budget. Even if sponsorship of some items is anticipated, these items should nonetheless be included in the budget since sponsorships may not be confirmed until late in the preparation process.
    • Distribute the agreed budget to all members of the organizing committee.
    • Provide for contingency and set clear guidelines for use of contingency funds.
    • Follow an agreed disbursement schedule. Funds should be available for disbursement as early as possible (preferably one year ahead of the Annual Meeting) to ensure that preparations are not delayed by late release of funds.
    • Provide sufficient time for bidding procedures to take place early enough to be able to obtain the services, materials and equipment required for the Annual Meeting to ensure sufficient time to brief service providers.

Note: for items marked with an asterisk (*), the actual number will depend on the number of members at the time of the Meeting.





Professional Congress Organizer 



Host Country Project Costs


Temporary Office

  1. Temporary Office

No. of months x rent

Holding office of the host country secretariat

  1. Temporary personnel

No. of months x salary / wage

  1. Equipment

Lease or buy 

  1. Supplies
  1. Communications

Mobile and landline telephones Videoconferences, mail



  1. Venue and meeting equipment 

No. of meetings x rental fee

  1. Transportation allowance

No. of meetings x number of persons

  1. Meal Allowance 

No. of meetings x number of persons

  1. Hiring of vehicles for guests

No. of meetings x rental fee

  1. Representation (ie official lunches/ dinners)

No. of meetings x allowed rate 


Travel and Accommodation Cost 

  1.  Airfare/transport

No. of trips x rate x no. of persons

  1. Hotel accommodation

No. of trips x rate x no. of persons

  1. Allowances

No. of trips x rate x no. of persons




Public relations, including development of logo, marketing and website


Cost of simulation exercises 


List down areas which would need simulation such as:

  • Airport reception
  • Transportation, including shuttle services
  • Security evacuation


Assistance during ADB Missions

  1. Meeting venue

No. of interpreters x no. of days x fee

  1. Equipment 

No. of interpreters x no. of days x fee

  1. Shuttle services to sites including hotels

No. of interpreters x no. of days x fee

  1. Interpretation (if applicable)

No. of interpreters x no. of days x fee





Conference Personnel


Organizing committee staff including:

  • overtime
  • food
  • transportation
  • telecommunications

No. of days x allowance / per diem / rate per day

Host Country Secretariat


Additional onsite staff including contractual and maintenance staff and volunteers including:

  • hiring and selection
  • training and dry-runs
  • overtime
  • food
  • transportation
  • telecommunications
  • uniform

Onsite and at other venues including the airport


No. of days x allowance / per diem / rate per day

  • Airport Reception staff
  • Transport staff
  • Medical Personnel
  • Secretariat support for host country and ADB teams
  • Security Personnel / Service Personnel (for photocopiers, notebook computers, telephones, audio-visual)
  • Interpreters, if required
  • Meeting services personnel including ushers, technicians, information and help desk personnel, janitors
  • Registration team
  • Liaison officers for VIPs
  • Host country event team


Conference and Office Space 

  1. Venue(s) (only) of Official Events


  • ADB offices
  • Chair's office, HOC Secretariat
  • Registration, Media and CSO Centers
  • meeting and seminar rooms
  • official events (Opening Session)
  • TV recording studio
  • Medical center
  • Kitchen for catering requirements

Rental rate x No. of days as well as additional days for setting up - at least (5) - and taking down (1).

Construction of temporary offices


Provision for ADB Secretariat advance team office, extension of time, rehearsals

  • Rental Fee and provision for back-up plans
  • Permits
  • Labor / Staff / Set-ups
  • High-speed internet (when staff are onsite)
  • Security

2. Site Facilities

Rental rate per item x No. of days


Provision of overtime for the labor

  • Partitions and construction cost
  • Tables, chairs & other furniture
  • Drapes
  • Carpet/flooring
  • Tents / Canopies
  • Staging (stairs, skirting)
  • Risers
  • Stanchions / Ropes
  • Labor / overtime

3. Electrical Facilities

Rental rate per item x No. of days


Provision of overtime for the labor (installation, moving, dismantling, packing)

  • General and special lighting
  • Generator
  • Air conditioning
  • UPS
  • Cabling & Extension Cords
  • Webcasting and telecasting facilities
  • Audiovisual facilities
  • Simultaneous interpretation booths and equipment
  • LCD screens including cable connection for CCTVs
  • Cable connection to broadcast media partners
  • Video Production
  • Labor

4. Utilities

Rental rate per item x No. of days


Provision of overtime for the labor

Cost of the following:

  • Electricity including air conditioning (heating, if required)
  • Gas (for kitchens)
  • Water
  • Restrooms
  • Trash sorting, recycling and disposal services
  • Labor including setup and cleanup crew
  • Supplies
  • Miscellaneous charges

5. Decorations

Rental rate per item x No. of days


Provision of overtime for the labor

Cost of the following:

  • Event decor
  • Stage decor, backdrops
  • Ceiling decor
  • Centerpieces
  • Flowers and plants
  • Special linen
  • Chair covers (if required)
  • Props
  • Miscellaneous charges
  • Labor




1. Telecommunications

Leasing rate including services

  • Installation, testing and dismantling of telephone units in offices
  • Facsimile, internet and telephone calls from Government Secretariat
  • Local telephone calls in all offices
  • IDD lines in selected offices
  • Boss to secretary facility
  • Internet access by cable in ADB offices with at least 100 mbps; wi-fi in public areas with sufficient capacity and connectivity for high volume usage
  • 250 cellphones loaded with credit for the duration of Annual Meeting to be used for local calls of ADB personnel

2. Local handling of shipment of documents, equipment and meeting materials between airport and venue

Local agent rate x 2 (entry and exit)

  • Transportation from port of entry to the venue, container truck or van
  • Customs clearance of shipment
  • Storage of shipment before, during and after the Annual Meeting as required.
  • Local agent to handle (container truck, including manpower to deliver, pack and unpack and pick up shipment to/from meeting venue)
  • Agent to provide packing materials and labor, pack ADB shipment and transport to the port

3. Postage for sending out documents

Postal fee

  • Advance promotion within host country
  • General correspondence, special stationery
  • Invitations to host country events (if printed)
  • Handouts & brochures, if any
  • Special notices, press releases, press kits, if any
  • Forms and documents, if any
  • Convention and Visitors Bureau materials




Host Country Events


1.  Receptions

No. of expected guests x cost per person

  • Government Receptions, including host country reception, guest of honor lunch and informal lunch for Governors
  • Venue rental fee

2.  Refreshments in ADB and HOC offices and meetings:  coffee, tea, mineral water, cookies

No. of persons x cost per person x no. of servings

Light refreshments (e.g., coffee / tea / cookies / water)

  • in offices, events and meetings
  • for seminars, host country day and business summit: coffee, tea and water only
  • President's office has juices in addition to standard
  • Media Center has sandwiches in addition to standard

3.  Cultural event (if any) at evening reception and/or Opening Session

15-60 minute performance

  • fees for personnel x rehearsal time + performance time
  • venue and utilities rental for rehearsals and performance
  • rental of equipment and technical personnel
  • producer, director
  • performers
  • music
  • staging
  • lighting
  • choreography
  • décor
  • rehearsals
  • program (optional)

4.  Souvenirs for participants (optional)

No. of expected guests x cost per person

Example: conference bag, USB, commemorative stamp, ball pens

(may be sponsored)



Local Transport (including driver, gasoline, meal allowance, miscellaneous expenses)


1. VIP cars with chauffeur

80 units x no. of days

  • 68 Governors/Heads of Delegations
  • 2 (ADB President and spouse)
  • 10 High-level speakers, ASEAN central bank governors, former ADB Presidents, The Secretary of ADB

2. Regular

23 units x no. of days

Sedan Cars

12 Board; 6 Management, Managing Director General and 1 Dean ADBI; 4 Secretariat


3. Minibus/Van

4 units x no. of days

3 Secretariat; 2 vans for Forthcoming Host


4. Buses, coasters, vans

No. of units x no. of routes x no. of days

Between hotels and venue


No. of units x no. of routes x no. of days

Airport to hotels and hotel to airport shuttle service


No. of units x no. of routes x no. of days

  • for networking events between hotels and venue
  • Tours Program (if any)

5. Golf carts

No. of units x no. of routes x no. of days

If bus stops are far from the entrance to the venue, continuous shuttle services is necessary


6. Parking space with paging or communication system

Rental fee per day x no. of days


7. Drivers

No. of drivers x no. of hours per day x no. of days, including training time


Provision for food allowance, uniform & overtime.

Drivers for Secretariat & ADB Management may need to work long hours. Shift work is acceptable but prefer to have no more than two drivers assigned to a particular person.


8. Covered bus shelter at venue with signage, shuttle schedule, shuttle dispatcher and assistants, water and a few benches. Insurance should be included.

No. of units x no. of days

Should be available to provide shelter for participants who are waiting


Printing (or digital materials)


Host country printing requirements

  • Advance promotion materials
  • Signs, banners, posters, billboard, welcome signs at airport, in city and major hotels
  • Invitation cards for restricted networking events hosted by the Government (optional)
  • Writing pads with Meeting logo
  • Shuttle bus schedules (optional)
  • Emergency card with contact numbers printed on badge
  • Registration badges for local personnel
  • Pre- and post-conference tours brochure (optional)
  • Tours Program Booklet (optional)
  • Signs in the airport, around the city, in or outside the hotels
  • Signage and banners inside the venue

No. of guests x cost of publication for document

  • Cover design, printing, distribution, installation and dismantling
  • If digital:  equipment required, designing and downloading of material




For Offices 

No. of ADB Personnel and Host country secretariat x cost of each item.

No. of meetings x number of participants in meeting x cost of writing pads and pencils

  • Photocopy machine supplies
    • recycled bond paper 500 sheets per ream (2 reams per photocopier)
    • spare parts and toners
    • technician
  • Standard Office supplies, such as pens, pencils, erasers, staplers


Furniture & Equipment 

  1. Opening Session

Rental fee and set-up fee

  • Four upholstered swivel chairs and coffee tables on stage, if required
  • theater-style seating for 2,000-2,500

Rental fee x 2 screens

2 screens (one on either side of the stage) to project the speaker or cultural event, if any, for the audience to see.


Rental fee

  • backdrop (may be projected)
  • one microphone on stage (with one back-up); two lecterns with 1 microphone per lectern and speech prompter, if required

Rental fee x No. of booths

  • Rental fee if separate from venue
  • simultaneous interpretation facilities including receivers and headphones for all participants (1,800 headsets are required if the Guest of Honor or Chair will speak in a language other than English; otherwise, a minimum of 750 headsets would suffice) and distribution counters including stands with signs indicating channel assignments
  • five interpreters booths and equipment
  • SI equipment
  • sound amplification
  • Connection fee
  • Rental fee (if not included)

Digital video and audio recording facilities to record proceedings (in case of speeches made in other languages other than English, the English interpretation will be recorded by a separate recorder)


Connection fee

  • Webcast feed
  • one mult-box (audio distribution panel) in the camera platform connected to the master sound control booth to enable TV crews to record live audio;

Cost of materials and set-up

  • water jugs and glasses on trays (with chilled mineral water) at the lectern and interpreters booths
  • flagpoles with stands for the flags of host country and of ADB
  • flag of host country

Rental and connection fees

  • Digital table clock placed in front of Chair if required
  • additional lighting and platform as required for TV and photographers

Rental and connection fees

  • floral arrangements and decorations;
  • video projection equipment with screen above the stage for projecting image of the speaker and/or Annual Meeting and ADB logos

Cost of production

  • closed-circuit video link of Meeting proceedings to various ADB and host country offices as well as public spaces in the venue
  • audio/visual display and/or live performance by performing artists, if any; artistic design and coordination of event
  • video to play while audience is waiting (optional)
  • rehearsals
  1. Business Session

77 tables x rental / fabrication fee + set-up

Table arrangement for 68 Governors and Heads of Delegations of 68 members and 3 persons on Chair's table

  • 160 identical upholstered swivel low-back armchairs chairs x rental / fabrication fee
  • 700 – 800 ordinary uniform colored chairs x rental / fabrication fee

144 identical upholstered swivel low-back armchairs and 500 ordinary uniform color chairs


2 screens x rental fee x no. of days

  • Single backdrop with built-in screens, one on either side of the head table and projection equipment to project image of speaker
  • Backdrop (preferably projected) with Annual Meeting logo and ADB logo

80 x rental fee (plus back-up)

80* microphones, one to be placed in front of each seat at table, and additional microphones to serve as back-up in case of malfunction


750 SI receivers x rental fee x no. of days (including distribution center and staff)

simultaneous interpretation facilities including receivers and headphones for participants (approx. 750) and distribution counter


6 SI booths and equipment x rental fee

  • six interpreters booths (e.g., English/ French/ Japanese/ Chinese/ Russian); tape recording facilities to record proceedings (in case of speeches made in languages other than English, the English interpretation will be recorded by a separate recorder)
  • dome camera in the middle for shots of Governors
  • sound amplification

2 units x rental fee

  • two mult-boxes (audio distribution panels) – one in each camera platform linked to the master sound control booth to enable crews to record live sound
  • digital video recording of proceedings

Cost of materials and set-up

  • identical water jugs and glasses on trays (with chilled mineral water) on Chair's and Governors' tables and at interpreters' booths
  • flagpoles with stands for flags of host country and ADB; flag of host country
  • digital table clock placed in front of Chair
  • two big wall clocks clearly visible to participants
  • free-standing signs to clearly identify blocks for other participants e.g.,Observers, Guests
  • stands at entrance of meeting hall to announce list of speakers for the day and to display seating plan
  • floral arrangements and decoration

Rental of equipment and set-up

  • closed-circuit video link of Meeting proceedings to Media Center, ADB Secretariat, other ADB offices and LCD screens in public areas
  • webcast feed and live web streaming of event in English
  • additional lighting (zoned if necessary)
  • platforms as required for live video and TV coverages, and photographers

3. Offices

  • No. offices x no. of chairs
  • No. offices x no. of tables with lockable drawer
  • No. offices x no. of side tables
  • No. offices x no. of visitors’ chairs
  • Cost of menu x no. of pax x frequency of servings
  • Furnished and equipped offices for Chair of the Board of Governors, President, 6 Vice Presidents, Managing Director General, Dean, ADB Institute, The Secretary, Board of Directors, Secretariat, Media Center, Department / Office Heads and other ADB Personnel, Civil Society Office (CSO) Center, Registration Center, Governors' Lounge, Observers' Lounge, Sponsors' Lounge
  • Offices must be sound proof, especially the offices of the President of ADB and the Chair
  • Wall branding inside the Office of the President
  • Intercom (Boss-secretary) telephone systems for:
    o President and his executive assistant
  • Vice Presidents (6), Managing Director General (1), and Dean, ADBI (1) and their executive assistants (4)
  • The Secretary, Board of Governors and his Executive Assistant
  • Directors and Alternate Directors (24) and their executive assistants (13)
  • Department heads and executive assistants
  • others, as may be required
  • Refreshments

4. Meeting Rooms

  • Press Conferences
  • Other meetings
  • Seminars

8 meeting rooms (various sizes ranging from 100 to 400 sq.m.) with all other physical and technical facilities for the meeting

Number of seminar rooms: 5

1 room - 700 sq.m.

2 rooms for ADB seminars - 250 sq.m. each

2 rooms for sponsored seminars - 300 sq.m. each

3 units x rental fee

  • Audio recording
  • Must be soundproof
  • 46" LCD screens for seminar rooms
  • Backdrops

5. Printing equipment:

  • Onsite – photocopiers

No. of units x no. of days

Heavy duty photocopiers for ADB and host country , with necessary consumable supplies (2 units)


6. Office equipment

  • Desktop or laptop computers
  • MS Office licenses
  • 50 units x rental fee (estimate)
  • 250 units x rental fee
  • For host country secretariat and their local staff
  • For ADB staff and local staff (250 units)
  • 152 units x rental fee
  • 4 units x rental fee
  • 2 units x rental fee
  • 30 units x rental fee
  • 1 unit x rental fee
  • 4-in-1 copier/fax/printer/scanner
  • colored printer
  • servers
  • LCD screens to be located in Management offices, Secretariat, Media Center, Registration Center, Seminar Coordinators Room and public spaces
  • 46" LCD screen for Forthcoming Annual Meeting booth

rental / fabrication fee

Four-drawer lockable filing cabinets (estimated requirement—60 units*)


rental fee

Shredding machines (3 units*)


rental fee

Carts and trolleys (5 units)


7. Others

No. of booths x rental / fabrication fee

Counters and/or desks and other physical arrangements for other meeting services (e.g., registration, transport, information, documents and headsets distribution, social events and travel and tours desk)


No. of units x white board rental fee / production cost

White boards (10)* with erasers and marker pens




1. Decor such as plants and flowers

One contract:  installation, maintenance

  • Chair’s Office
  • ADB President’s Offices (5)
  • Vice Presidents Offices (6)
  • Dean, ADB Institute Office (1)
  • The Secretary of Board of Governors’ Office
  • Lounges
  • Meeting services counters
  • Opening Session (stage—around lecterns to conceal speech prompters)
  • Business session:  in center of hollow rectangle