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Chapter 5

Branding the Annual Meeting

5.2. Annual Meeting Branding Guidelines

In this Section:
  1. Branding Schedule 

  2. Branding Guidelines 

      B.1. Digital Presence

      B.2. Outside the Venue

      B.3. Inside the Venue

      B.4. Digital Templates and Small Materials

  3. Establishment and Technical Missions

  4. Suppliers

  5. Host Country Role

  6. Co-branding and Sponsors

A. Branding Schedule

The branding schedule includes the development of the Annual Meeting logo by the future host country, the participation of the future host country in the previous Annual Meeting, and the release of various communication materials. Download the Branding Schedule here.

B. Branding Guidelines

No set rules can fit all Annual Meetings, so the branding must remain flexible to allow for creative changes and the unique circumstances of the host country.

B.1. Digital Presence
  • Website
    The agreed AM logo is applied to the Annual Meeting announcement web page on This webpage will slowly evolve into the Annual Meeting website as content is continually added.

    The website and related content is owned and updated by ADB. The host country is not responsible for content or design assets on the website.

    The Annual Meeting announcement web page includes the following:
    • welcome statement from the ADB Governor and The Secretary
    • dates
    • venue
    • program schedule
    • general information on the host country (e.g., currency, weather, local transport, cuisine, recommended hotels, and visa information)
    • Tours program (if any)

      More content is uploaded on the Annual Meeting announcement page when registration opens in January:

    • program of events
    • seminars
    • accreditation details
    • hotel accommodation recommendations civil society program
    • media invitation
    • media partners and seminar sponsors

      During the event, the Annual Meeting website will include the following content:

    • final program of events
    • final seminar details
    • Governors’ statements
    • speeches
    • press releases
    • news about the Annual Meeting
    • photos and videos
    • webcasts
    • publications
    • social media posts
    • highlights

      A single website for ADB and the host country is recommended to have consistency in messaging and a one-stop site for information about the Annual Meeting and as such it is not recommended that the host country develop their own website in addition to that which is hosted by the ADB.

  • Annual Meeting e-Newsletter

    The e-newsletter, which is written and curated by ADB, is sent to all invitees and registered participants by the Office of the Secretary. If there is specific content that the host country wishes to be included in the e-newsletter, this can be arranged during event WIP meetings. The e-newsletter predominantly features information on logistics, such as guidance on visa application, hotel and accommodations, transportation from airport, and tour information for delegates as they prepare for the Annual Meeting. The e-newsletter also features articles on seminars, topics to be discussed, and profiles of key speakers and guests.

    ​The e-newsletter is issued about once a month starting early January to April, and a daily e-newsletter is issued for the duration of the Annual Meeting. A report is then produced after the event to feature highlights of the Annual Meeting and Summary of Proceedings.

  • Memos and Letterheads​

    The Annual Meeting logo is found in all official Annual Meeting communications. Unauthorized use of the logo is prohibited.

    MS Word templates in both A4 and Letter sizes are available for use. Please contact the Department of Communications for file copies.

  • Emails

    Use of the logo via email signature is a good branding practice.

B.2. Outside the Venue
  • Airports

    The airport plays an important role in the branding of the Annual Meeting. Effective branding at the airport provides an impression that the city believes in the importance of hosting the Annual Meeting. The minimum branding for the airport includes welcome signs and banners in the following areas: arrival gates, baggage claim, transport areas (pick-up foyers, taxi or bus terminals, airport train stations), and departure areas.

    A more comprehensive approach to branding of the airport includes information or hospitality desks where staff can: welcome the participants, assist with inquiries relating to hotel accommodations and airport shuttle arrangements, and direct participants to shuttle services. A more comprehensive list of possible airport services and branding opportunities can be found in this e-Green Book: Chapter 14. Airport: Arrival and Departure Arrangements - 14.1. Arrival, Section 14.1.6.

  • Vehicles

    VIP cars are assigned to government dignitaries and may need special identification. Additionally, a security car pass is printed for these cars. For further details on Annual Meeting Transport, refer to e-Green Book, Chapter 16. Transport, Parking, and Shuttle Service.

    Delegates may explore the city once the business day or week is done. Branding transit and relevant transport vehicles is another way to express the hospitality the city extends to its guests.

  • Street Level

    Street-level branding can be a large billboard or simple printed signage along the road from the airport to the venue.

    Other outdoor branded assets may include, but are not limited to, flags, digital signage, bus shelters, advertising assets on public transport and wayfinding signage.

  • Commercial Areas

    At times, the Annual Meeting venue is connected to adjoining retail or commercial establishments via direct walk or bridgeway. The annual meeting provides a good business opportunity for these establishments as delegates will naturally visit them before, during, and after the Annual Meeting. Additional meeting branding in these areas helps create a more immersive experience for the delegates.

  • Hotels

    For ADB-accredited hotels, the following signage is recommended as a minimum to be included within the hotel precinct: welcome banner at the front desk or entrance, at the transportation and information desk, and a shuttle bus schedule. For details on hotels, refer to Chapter 6. Hotels.

  • Venue Entrance

    Branding the entrance or the approach to the venue provides great photo opportunities for delegates.

    Here are four of the past Annual Meeting venue entrances for reference. These were also shown and used  by many media outlets in their coverage.

B.3. Inside the Venue

Branding inside the venue and surrounding venues has one main purpose which is primarily wayfinding. These assets should be designed to inform and direct delegates where they need to go.

Information and directional branding is especially important to the Annual Meeting. Relevant information such as schedules, directions, and the general time it takes to get from one place to another must be readily available to delegates through clear and concise branding.

  • Registration Center

    Registration areas need proper branding to ensure the organized distribution of Annual Meeting badges and materials. Booth assignments should be clear and placed above the heads of possible lines. Signage here should include highly visible reference to directions, schedules, and general meeting procedures. The registration team’s office should be clearly marked for delegates experiencing issues.

  • Directional signs

    Directional and wayfinding signage provide guidance to delegates inside and outside the venue. This is especially important if the venue has multiple entry points.

  • Seminar Backdrop

    The key feature of the generic backdrop is the logo grid behind the speakers’ table. This logo grid is at least four rows of logos high and has a distance from the floor of at least 1 meter and spans the entire width of the backdrop.

    This backdrop is positioned inside the meeting room.

  • Photo Backdrop

    Interview and photo backdrops are freestanding structures with the Annual Meeting logo in a grid pattern. These are used by broadcasters when interviewing delegates. These can also be used by the delegates as a photo backdrop opportunity.

    These backdrops are also used in the TV studio for exclusive interviews and within or near the ADB Management’s offices for photo opportunities during signing events or meetings with dignitaries.

    A photo wall backdrop is also installed for the President’s Reception while President meets the delegates.
  • Banners

    Banners, whether vertical or horizontal, are the primary tool to brand a public space in the venue. The goal is not to fill every empty wall but to ensure that there is always some visual reference that the event is present in the venue. Additionally, banners should be placed where they can be seen from a distance.

B.4. Digital Templates and Small Materials

The ADB Annual Meeting is a sustainable event, therefore the distribution of digital material is encouraged in order to limit printing. All these files are available for the use of ADB and the host country Secretariat.

Description File Format

INVITATION TEMPLATES – Invitations to events are usually made using graphic software and inserted into a MS PPT so non-graphic software users can edit the text. From the MS PPT, a JPEG or PDF can be saved which is used as attachments to e-mail invitations.
Sponsors are not allowed to use these invitation templates or add their own logo without explicit permission from ADB Office of the Secretary.

Adobe Illustrator, Microsoft PowerPoint (MS PPT)
LETTERHEAD/MEMO TEMPLATES – Instead of printing event letterheads, MS Word is used as templates; this allows for documents to be branded with logos upon printing and digital distribution. MS Word
DOCUMENT COVER TEMPLATES – Used as document folder covers, or general document covers, these templates come in letter and A4 sizes. Titles can be edited via PDF form fields. PDF (editable)
GENERIC PRESENTATION TEMPLATES – Presentation templates are distributed by the seminar team to seminar speakers. The use of these templates is purely optional on the part of the speaker. Pre-prepared digital backdrops are posted in the seminar rooms before the speaker presents. MS PPT, Mac Keynote
SPONSOR PRESENTATION TEMPLATES – These presentation templates allocate space to insert the sponsor’s logo(s). MS PPT, Mac Keynote
SHIPMENT/FRAGILE STICKERS – These are PDF templates that can be printed on sticker sheets (A4, Letter). These stickers can then be used to label materials bound for the Annual Meeting. PDF (editable)
SOCIAL MEDIA IMAGES – Those who want to post details about the Annual Meeting on their personal social media are encouraged to use these image files that have been optimized for specific social media sites. JPEG files for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

C. Establishment and Technical Missions

The establishment mission, usually held in Q3 Y-1, allows for initial inspection of the venue and discussions with focal points on various issues, including materials and execution for event branding.

The technical mission, usually held in Q1 Y1, is an opportunity for working-level discussions with suppliers including production focal points, and detailed planning of material placements. During the technical mission, a walk-through of the venue is done to ensure delegates are able to navigate through the venue easily.

In between missions and up to the event, the focal points for branding from ADB and the host country will coordinate closely on branding.

Refer to Chapter 3 for more information on missions.

D. Suppliers

In keeping with the Annual Meeting’s sustainability objectives, it is recommended that where possible, only local suppliers are to be contracted to print or fabricate materials, and the host country is to coordinate the procurement process and production of these. ADB can assist in artwork preparation and advise on technology and quality of supplier candidates.

E. Host Country Role

The Host Country is required to perform the following branding related tasks:

  • prepare a plan for the signage required in all the Annual Meeting venues
  • indicate the numbers for each type of signage required and where they will be placed
  • print the signage in accordance with the Annual Meeting Branding Guidelines
  • install all signage in and around the venues in the locations agreed with ADB
  • change signage as necessary (e.g., between meetings)
  • take down signage after the event

Photographs of signage at previous Annual Meetings are in Appendix 51.

F. Co-branding and Sponsors

Partners and sponsors play a significant role in promoting the Annual Meeting. ADB allows co-branding with partners and sponsors, provided that ADB’s clearance is given. 

The use of the Annual Meeting and ADB logos for commercial or promotional purposes is not permitted, and should not be used with private sector sponsor logos as a means of endorsement or testimonial. Further details can be found in Chapter 12. Sponsorship, Partnership, and Gifts, specifically Appendix 52, Section 14.