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This chapter provides an overview of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Annual Meeting.

Here you will find information on the purpose of the meeting, how a country plays host to the meeting and how the key parts of the meeting are divided between the ADB and the host country(HC) .

Also outlined here are the minimum infrastructure requirements to host the meeting in terms of venue and hotel size and capacity.

Finally, the Host Organizing Committee (HOC) is introduced and a summary of their key role is provided.

Important Information:

  • The Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors is a requirement under the ADB Charter. It is a ministerial meeting and premier forum to discuss economic and development issues affecting the Asia-Pacific region. It is also an excellent opportunity for public relations and networking, particularly for the host country to showcase its achievements, investment potential and tourism attractions.
  • ADB encourages the host country to have a sense of ownership of the meeting and to introduce the host country and the region’s various cultures, while respecting the main purpose, primary audience, and tone of the meeting.  
  • Target participants at the Annual Meeting are the ADB Governors and their delegations.
  • Other stakeholders also attend, including
    • observers (e.g., other international organizations, and nonmember countries interested in joining ADB)
    • guests, such as private sector participants and bankers
    • representatives of development partners
    • media
    • nongovernment and civil society organizations
    • ADB personnel
    • accompanying persons
  • Venues proposed for an Annual Meeting should already have the necessary infrastructure in place.
  • Preference is given to venues that have already hosted international conferences similar to the Annual Meeting.
  • Easy access to the host city is essential. 
  • Registration is open to all interested parties and travel to the meeting is at their own expense. Delegates do not pay to attend the meeting.