11.1. Information Technology - Computers, Software, Printers, Network
In this Section:
Computers and Information Technology
Live Webcast and Broadcast of Events
The host country supplies the necessary equipment and cabling as outlined in the following subsections. It also must provide service personnel and technicians to be on duty at the meeting venue(s) 2 days before until the last day, and attend to technical issues.
A. Computers and Information Technology
- Technical descriptions of equipment and software requirements, including computers (i.e., computer hard drives and monitors) and printers are shown in the list below. All computers allocated to the ADB offices must have English ("QWERTY") keyboards and connectivity to high-speed internet and should not be more than three years old. However, the host country provides the computers they require, as well as those in the seminar and meeting rooms and in the internet center. All computers to be used by ADB should be wiped clean before handover to ADB, and wiped clean again before being handed back to the IT provider (minimum one cycle of DBAN or other software).
- The host country also provides the equipment and software required to establish a LAN environment at the meeting venue(s). LAN services should be provided 24 hours per day with no interruptions.
- ADB has its own VLAN which can route to the Internet and access network printers. Other VLAN cannot route to the ADB VLAN or printers. Wi-fi users are on a segregated LAN with only access to the internet. All public areas, including the Media Center is to be attached to that public VLAN.

1. Internet Connectivity
The host country is to provide uninterrupted internet connectivity for the entire duration of the Annual Meeting. Specifically, the following requirements should be provided and tested at least a week before the meeting for the preparations:
- The host country is to provide uninterrupted internet connectivity for the entire duration of the Annual Meeting.Primary dedicated internet bandwidth of at least 1.5Gbp
- Backup dedicated internet bandwidth of at least 1Gbp
- Sufficient wired and wireless network coverage to all annual meeting venues, offices and rooms
- QoS capability to prioritize traffic such as media streaming and upload as needed (at least 350mbps dedicated)
- Logical controls such as web content filtering, firewall and device isolation
- The host country is to provide internet connectivity for the ADB advance team which usually starts 2 weeks before the annual meeting
- Note that there are several high density Wi-Fi usage areas during the annual meeting. These areas should be adequately sized. Some areas include but not limited to the Media Center, CSO Center, seminar rooms, opening session, business session, and public spaces, including networking areas.
- Internet security: Internet should be accessed through a security filtering device (e.g. Bluecoat, Checkpoint) or service (e.g. OpenDNS, Zscaler) are able to do at minimum URL filtering and malware scanning.
- A total of 75 USB-C to LAN adapter should be provided to ADB offices.
2. Client Laptops and Other Accessories
- Processor: Minimum Intel Core i5 processors with 8 GB RAM
- Hard disk: At least 100 GB Disk, active partition should be no bigger than 100 GB (to facilitate fast wiping of data)
- Operating system: Windows 10 64-bit with System or above, and Display language in English with latest Service Pack and latest patches installed before being deployed
- Integrated Wi-Fi interface
- Support HDMI display output
- Microsoft Office 2021 ProPlus or above
- Adobe Acrobat reader latest version
- Microsoft Edge and Chrome latest version
- Updated virus protection software
- Drivers for provided printers
- USB 3.0 port with at least 2 available for computers in registration center
- Asian Font pre-installed
- Other devices and accessories:
- Keyboard (QWERTY)
- Mouse
- Power strip
- Cable lock
- Monitor (at least 22 inches, required only for select ADB Offices)
3. Printing and Photocopying Services
- Workgroup Multifunction Printer:
- Laser type colored printer
- 35 pages per minute (minimum) printing
- A3/legal, A4/Letter paper supply (ADB will typically bring Letter paper supply)
- With the following capabilities:
- Photocopying
- Scan into PDF via SMTP
- Multi-page feeder
- Cassette capacity of at least one ream paper
- Consumables (toner, ink, cartridges) available onsite
- AirPrint configured and enabled for printers installed in ADB offices
- Volume Multifunction Printer
- Laser type colored printer
- Minimum 45 pages per minute
- Finishing set (collating, stapling)
- A3/legal, A4/Letter paper supply (ADB will typically bring Letter paper supply)
- With the following capabilities:
- Photocopying
- Scan into PDF via SMTP
- Multi-page feeder
- Cassette capacity of at least one ream paper
- Consumables (toner, ink, cartridges) available onsite
- Volume Multifunction Printers are typically required of the President's office, ADB Secretariat office, registration center, and media center.
4. High Level Estimation of IT Equipment Required per Office
Office | IT Equipment |
Office of the President | 3 Desk Phones 6 Monitors 1 USB Keyboard 2 Volume Multifunction Printers 1 Workgroup Printer |
Office of the Secretary | 1 Volume Multifunction Printer |
ADB Secretariat Office (per office) | 2 Volume Multifunction Printers (colored) 1 Workgroup Printer (colored) 1 Monitor |
Board of Directors Offices (per office) | 1 Monitor and Accessories 1 Volume Multifunction Printer |
Vice-Presidents Offices (per office) | 1 Monitor and Accessories |
VP Staff Area | 2 Volume Multifunction Printers |
Heads of Department Offices | 1 Monitor and Accessories 2 Volume Multifunction Printers |
Future Host Country Office | 1 Workgroup Printer |
Civil Society Area | 1 Volume Multifunction Printer 1 Laptop |
Seminar Coordination Office | 1 Workgroup Printer |
Registration Center | 1 Volume Multifunction Printer 1 Workgroup Printer 5 Monitors |
Media Center | 1 Workgroup Printer 1 Laptop |
5. Requirements for Registration Center and Badge Center
- Laptop computers—Same minimal specifications as for Client Workstations. Twelve (12) units are needed. All units have at least two available USB 3.0 ports.
- Internet access
- 1 volume Multifunction Printer and 1 Work group printer
- 8 webcams (ADB to provide)
- 7 units ID card printer (ADB to provide)
- Extra power board for each computer in registration office and badge center (to be able to connect other devices)
- Adapters (if necessary) for U.S. type of power plugs
6. Requirements for Governors' Seminar venue
- Wired connectivity next to the stage for 5 computers
- Power outlet next to the stage for 5 computers and 2 earpiece equipment
7. Requirements for seminar rooms
- 1 laptop
- Power outlet and adapter
8. Information Security
The following information technology security measures are in force. It is highly recommended that internet access be provided by transparent proxy servers with the firewall blocking all outgoing internet traffic other than the proxy. The proxy should have protocol validation in place.
- Wireless network Service Set Identifier (SSID) reserved for ADB office use should be secured with WPA2 or above with strong password agreed by ADB.
- Windows firewall is activated with "Don't Allow exception" checked by default on every workstation.
- Kiosk PCs offered to all participants, if any, are on a segregated LAN with only access to the internet.
- Connectivity between devices on the guest LAN (wired and wireless) should be restricted.
- At the end of the meeting and upon direction of the ADB information technology specialist, all workstations are sanitized with a disk wiper utility (freeware DBAN is acceptable). All workstations have at least one pass.
- All printers in the ADB Offices should be in the ADB network only and cannot be accessed by guest network.
9. Videoconference Equipment
Videoconferencing facilities supporting cloud-based videoconferencing technology (e.g. Microsoft Teams, Zoom, WebEx) should be available in at least one meeting room assigned to ADB.
10. Requirements for Media Center
The Media Center is managed by ADB's Department of Communications (DOC). There are overall requirements to the media center to allow for a conducive work environment for media delegates. These basic requirements are:
- Low-sound or noise levels – The media center is an office environment where delegates generally write and work.
- Consistent temperature – It is essential to have an area that is not too cold or hot, access to personnel who can mitigate facility concerns is essential (see Chapter 22. Staff Support)
- Adequate bandwidth to be able to upload articles, photos and videos, access to personnel who can mitigate facility concerns is essential (see Chapter 22. Staff Support)
Within the Media Center the specific areas that require IT support are as follows:
- ADB DOC Staff Area
- 1 unit volume colored multifunction network printer
- 1 lamp per person and access to power
- ADB DOC Staff Meeting Room
- Power access
- Media Briefing Room
- AV equipment including screens
- Several microphones
- Studio Area
- LAN access
- Power supply
- Multimedia Room
- This area will need access to power and to a LAN cable with at least 10mbps guaranteed bandwidth if not dedicated
- Enclosed offices (6)
- These offices are assigned to host country Media Representative and the various ADB media international partners
- Media Center Journalist Area
- Power in every table
- Desk lamps for every seat
- 1 workgroup printer connected to a computer
- At least 2 laptops with English keyboards
- Audio equipment for making general announcements
11. Requirements for Live Broadcast Media Interview Area
The area for live broadcast media interviews is located in a high-traffic area, preferably near the seminar rooms where broadcast media can conduct live interviews.
- A hard-wired uncontended/dedicated broadband LAN with Ethernet connection box and a minimum speed of 50mbps.
- LAN must have direct access to the internet, or if firewalled, open for UDP&TCP traffic on specified ports (ports to be specified closer to the AM event)
12. Social Media Live Cast
Select Annual Meeting events are broadcast live on Facebook and/or Instagram using mobile devices. Internet access facilities (e.g. prioritized bandwidth or dedicated 5G pocket Wi-Fi) should be provided to ensure the quality of the broadcast where needed. Also required in the pre-determined events is a simple working space (desk and two chairs) offering a good view of the proceedings where the mobile device can be secured.
13. Cabling
The Annual Meeting network is made of Optical fiber, Cat6 or Cat5e cables, panels, and cords. Switches operate at a minimum of 100 Mbps full duplex mode. The host country is expected to provide all cabling and networking required at least one week before the Annual Meeting. Provisions for temporary cabling of seminar rooms should be arranged. Necessary power cabling should be done at least one week before the Annual Meeting as requested.
14. Power
All information technology equipment (workstation, servers, switches) is on UPS power. 1 electric plug of international standard (supporting at least US type plug) should be provided and tested for each ADB staff desk. Electric plugs of international standard should also be available in the meeting room offices (conference tables). If local power plug is provided, at least 1 travel adapter supporting US type plug should be provided for each ADB staff desk.

15. User Support during the meeting, Helpdesk
- Network engineers are available onsite to troubleshoot any potential connectivity issues.All information technology incident requests are received by field technician with a unique phone number or convenient communications channel such as Viber or WhatsApp chat group.
- Field technicians must be proficient in Windows, Microsoft Office, Printers mobile devices, general network and videoconferencing troubleshooting.
- One field technician is permanently assigned to the media center.
- At least two field technicians are assigned to support Wi-Fi and LAN networks
- At least one field technician is assigned to support printers.
- They should be proficient in the setup and architecture of the Annual Meeting network as well as the networking equipment in use (Switch; Firewall: VLAN, QoS; filtering/proxy devices).
- Break-and-fix technicians are also available onsite to address any hardware failures encountered by ADB Annual Meeting attendees. Common spare parts and adaptors should be available onsite.
- Relevant support personnel specified in this section should be available from 7AM – 7PM for the entire duration of the Annual Meeting including the time ADB advance team would be working onsite. Emergency contact should be made available on a 24x7 basis for this period as well.
B. Website
- The host country provides content for the Annual Meeting website, which is part of ADB's corporate site www.adb.org. This content needs to be sent to OSEC for checking and to the ADB.org web team in the Department of Communications for upload according to a predefined content plan in English and one local language (optional).
- The Annual Meeting website is launched at the Annual Meeting the year before the host country’s own Annual Meeting.
- The minimum web content to launch the website is
- general information (i.e., currency, weather, local transport, and cuisine), including information on visas
- information on the country
- initial information for visitors (i.e. recommended hotels, visa information)
- The final web content is set out below (in addition to the list above). This content needs to be made available according to the content plan from November onwards:
- welcome statement from ADB Governor
- final information for visitors (i.e. hotel accommodation, car rentals)
- Tours Program (if any) and forms for online registration for Tours. (The ADB web team provides specific inputs for design of the form based on previous experience.)
- pre- and post-Annual Meeting tours and forms for online registration of pre- and post-Annual Meeting tours
- Program of events which contains the detailed schedule of events, speakers' profiles, and other relevant information for the delegates
- Host country website should not collect or process Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and / or other sensitive information such as passport information, address, credit card information without carefully evaluating risks involved. Host country requirements to collect and process such information should be discussed and agreed with ADB prior to implementation.
- The site is designed and implemented in a secure manner and tested for security prior to launch. Security monitoring is in place to prevent and detect security intrusions.
C. Live Webcast and Broadcast of Events
- Arrangements need to be in place for the live webcasts and broadcast of certain events, including the opening session, business session, Governors' seminar, and other select seminars. The other select events will be determined by the host country and ADB during the WIP dedicated to this part of the annual meeting.
- Arrangements need to be made to test with ADB staff the live webcasts (video and audio) in the first quarter of the year of the Annual Meeting. The host country will be responsible for the live webcast and broadcast of events.
- Further description of webcast requirements are detailed in Topic 11.2.F.