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Chapter 11

Information and Conference Technology

11.2. Conference Technology - Audio-Visual and Technical Production Systems

In this Section:
  1. AV Systems

  2. Audio Systems

  3. Lighting Systems

  4. Simultaneous Interpretation

  5. Video/ Audio Recording and Formats

  6. Live Webcast

  7. IPTV and Digital Signage - Flat Screen TV Screens

  8. Camera Specifications

  9. Video Conferencing

  10. Master Control Room

The following chapter and appendices detail the technical requirements further to assist the host country in its procurement process in contracting suitable technical vendors for the supply of various systems including: audio visual (AV), sound, lighting, camera and recording, IPTV screens, simultaneous interpretation, and conference microphone systems.

 While ADB will provide a technical director who will assist with briefing and coordinating with the appointed technical vendors, it is also expected that the host supplier will provide a counterpart technical director or production manager who is fluent in English as a direct point of contact.

The host country is to supply the necessary equipment and cabling as outlined in the following subsections. It also must provide qualified technical event staff, to include: installation technicians and engineers, service personnel, operators and technicians to be on duty at the meeting venue(s) to test prior to the start of each meeting, operate during the meeting(s), and attend to the equipment in case of any malfunction.

It is imperative that all meetings have dedicated technical operators. They should also be assigned in the same meeting room throughout the full duration of the meeting to enable ADB staff to be familiar with the same person during the course of the meetings. Audio operators/engineers should be proficient in handling multiple microphone setups and especially in panel sessions where multiple lavaliere/lapel microphones are used.

To assist the host country in procuring the technical systems, there are several appendixes to this chapter.

A generic technical listing document for standard systems is included as Appendix 73. The technical listing gives further notes for the main meetings. This document will require a thorough review at the earliest convenience by the host country and/or appointed host country vendors/ PCO, together with ADB as the needs of the meeting will require adaptation to the eventual venue and meeting spaces and the needs required each year.

A matrix checklist template guide that shows the requirement by room is given as Appendix 74. This is provided as a sample only and again will need a thorough review as the needs each year may alter. The host country may supply additional equipment to enhance the standard equipment if it so wishes. While requirements are not fixed, this Appendix is a good reference document for 3rd party vendors during procurement and should be updated accordingly. Quantities are not fixed and will need review according to meeting setups and the chosen eventual meeting spaces.

While the Annual Meeting technical requirements are mostly fixed, there will be a requirement for the host country to provide a stock of contingency AV equipment for small changes in specification or additional meetings that may be called for from time to time. It is important that the eventual technical providers are contracted to carry a suitable stock of contingency spares that can be deployed at short notice with no additional charges. Where possible ADB will endeavor to advise the host country of potential changes in advance, but a reasonable amount of spare stock should always be provided.

Generic floor plans for each of the meetings, showing technical elements, are also provided as reference as Appendix 75. However, the host country is expected to provide customized to-scale floor plans to ADB, relevant to all selected venues. Floor plans for the venue and each room must be reviewed by ADB Secretariat and ADB Technical Director during the planning process.

Technical Guide notes as follows:

A. Audio-Visual Systems

All support AV, sound and lighting systems provided by the host country’s vendors should be procured from a reputable AV rental company with experience in providing similar service to international events. They should also provide a suitable sized team of qualified and experienced conference engineers and technicians to run and manage the systems. It is an advantage if the AV rental company have worked in the venue space(s) before and have a preferred supplier relationship with the selected convention center/venue to ensure there is compatibility with in-house equipment where required.

All audio, AV, and lighting systems should be known international brands with a known reputation in the rental market.

1.       Audio-Visual Display Systems
  • For the large meeting rooms, (Opening Session, Business Session, Governors’ Seminar) high brightness professional DLP technology projectors should be provided for best viewing and color detail. In particular, any room that requires camera images to be shown on the screen should be provided with high-performance DLP projectors.
    • Large format LED screen solutions are an alternative and also provide a means of providing a digital backdrop that can be changed between different sessions or meeting setups, adding a sustainability initiative if the venue spaces are limited or if rooms are required for other purposes. This initiative is welcomed by ADB.  LED pixel spacing should be 3.9mm (P3) or less and must be high-grade, batch matched tiles with no flaws or dead pixels.
    • Smaller meetings for PowerPoint only presentations may use LCD or DLP projector technology provided that the light output of the projector is sufficient to display clearly within the ambient lighting condition of the room.
2.     Seamless Switchers
  • ​For any room that requires source switching to the projection system, a seamless graphics switcher(s) should be provided with adequate preview monitors and signal distribution at the technicians control desk (console).
    • For the Business Session, a seamless switching system with multiple destinations should be provided, to allow for lower third titles and display of the ADB speaking timer graphics, which are to be displayed on different screens.
3.     Source Laptops
  • ​For the Opening Session, Business Session, Governors’ Seminar and ADB Seminars, a sufficient quantity of laptops, PCs or Macbooks should be provided at the console for Main, Backup, Titles, Speaking timer and Holding Graphics source machines for Presentations. N.B. Title and speaking timer are only required for the Business Session.
    • In case there is a need for Video and Media playback, it is recommended that professional media playback software be provided. Operators should be familiar with format conversion and if any source material is provided in other formats, they should be adept at converting to playback using software.
    • For all the ADB seminars, a dedicated laptop should be provided for the moderator near the stage at one side of the room, or at one end of the production console for moderation of questions and polling by ADB's Pigeon Hole Live interactive question harvesting system.
    • Where noted, laptops should also be provided at the lectern or head table as required. Where possible, all provided presentation source laptops in meeting rooms should have access to the Internet by wi-fi or wired LAN connections.
    • With the advent of increased use of video conferencing technology, a suitable number of VC enabled laptops should be provided in key meeting rooms for high level events, to enable hosting a call and for separated source laptops for pinning participants/speakers. Further details can be seen in Topic 11.2.I. Video Conferencing
4.     Signal, Resolution and Screen Format
  • Where possible, all AV signal formats should be at the highest standard.
    • It is recommended that all Source Laptops have HDMI output connections and that all AV cable runs are at HDMI/DVI/HDSDI/NDI standard. For long cable runs, it is recommended that Optical Fibre, HDSDI or CAT5 extenders/convertors are used, or alternatively using NDI over a dedicated managed network.
    • All projection, flat screen TVs and large screen formats should be in 16:9 ratio and where possible resolution for all Video Sources, Laptops, and Presentations should be at 1920 x 1080 (full HD) resolution.
    • All presentation media should be noted in advance to any presenters/delegations to be designed and written in 16:9 format. Any videos that are to be played should also where possible be in 16:9 format in order to fill the screen.
    • Content for wide or irregular format LED screens if chosen by the host for Opening Session and/or Business Session will need careful consideration, pre-planning and clear communication with the ADB OSEC Technical team, to ensure that any ADB delivered content can be displayed as effectively as possible.
5.     Content Media File Format
  • ​All videos that are to be shown at the event should be a minimum of 1280x720p preferably 1920x1080p. Files for distribution on the IPTV screens supplied by the host should be optimized accordingly. The host country will convey to ADB at the earliest date possible this technical specification, and ADB will format its video material based on these specifications.

B. Audio Systems

All audio systems provided by the host country’s vendors should be procured from a reputable sound rental company with experience in providing similar service to international events.

All audio systems should be known international brands with a known reputation in the rental market.

1.     Speaker Systems
  • ​For larger meetings, if the venue allows for it, audio speaker systems should be flown using a suitable truss rig or independently. For the Opening Session and Governors’ Seminar, given the size of the audiences and space required, compact line-array speaker technology should be used.
    • Where wider rooms are used, front fill speakers should be placed near the stage to allow the front rows to hear clearly.
    • Monitor speakers should be placed on stage or in front of the head table for any meetings that require Q&A microphones to ensure that the presenters on stage/head table can hear clearly.
    • For meetings with hollow square, U-shape and hollow rectangle layouts, care should be taken to provide full range speaker cabinets as monitors within the hollow area (in the round). This is important to ensure that the amplified sound is in front of the seated delegates and not solely from behind. It also helps to avoid feedback in multi microphone setups and to assist anyone with hearing difficulties.
    • Where delegates or observers are seated behind those at the tables in these room styles, additional speakers on tripods within the room should be provided to give adequate coverage across the room.
    • For meetings requiring multiple microphone setups care should be given to equalizing the system to avoid feedback. As a rule of thumb, no more than 2 microphones should be live at any one time unless it is a panel discussion.
    • For smaller meetings, a sufficient number of full range speakers on tripods should be provided.
2.     Microphone Systems
  • Radio Mic Systems When supplying wireless microphones, care should be taken to control the frequencies of the systems. As there are multiple rooms and large numbers of microphones being issued and running concurrently throughout the venue, there should not be any interference between meetings. The audio vendor must supply technical staff with scanning software to monitor frequencies of their own systems as well as external systems that may be transmitting within the venue or general area. Similarly, the host country should convey to ADB at its earliest convenience, what allowable frequencies can be used, so that attending media can be guided accordingly. Rooms requiring multiple wireless microphones should all be set to different frequencies to avoid any confusion. It is advisable for the audio vendor to draw up a spreadsheet to ensure that all wireless channels are accounted for and that it is checked with suitable scanning software to avoid signal overlap from external systems. 
  • Conference Microphone Systems Conference Microphone or Discussion systems should be of the wired type and, where possible, be supplied with microphone control software. Wireless Discussion Microphones are not recommended due to concerns with security and reliability. All conference microphones must be supplied with suitable pop shields. Conference microphones should be of a known and reputable brand and may need to be rented from a specialized international company with experience in large multiple microphone setups. 
  • Speaking Time Control For the Business Session, ADB provides speaking time control equipment to enable speeches to be limited to a set time under strict control of the Chair of the meeting.
    • The status of the time is shown with colored indicators of the speaking time control system. It has three colors: green, yellow and red. Green indicates that the prescribed 5 minutes of speaking time is available to the delegate. Yellow indicates the 1-minute grace period to enable the delegate speaking to conclude his or her statement appropriately. Red indicates that the delegate has exceeded the speaking time. The Chair, who is able to monitor each delegate speaking, may interrupt a delegate who exceeds the 6-minute total speaking period.
    • A Video Interface module is provided by ADB so that the timing indicators can be luma keyed using an appropriate video mixer/switcher onto the floor mounted Flat Screen Foldback/DSM display units by use of a suitable Vision mixer. The Technical vendor must provide one windows enabled laptop PC and video mixer to enable use of this requirement.
    • The preferred location for the technical staff controlling the timing system is on the floor within sight of the Chair/Secretary with table and chair for at least 3 persons from the Secretariat or at a convenient location at the technical console.
    • It is expected that the delegate's speaking time is uninterrupted by any other delegate. However, the Chair can interrupt. The speaking time of the delegate counts down from the assigned number of minutes. If the Chair interrupts, the speaking time clock will be paused, and continues counting down the moment the delegate continues to talk. If interrupted by another delegate, the speaking time clock will be reset to the original number of minutes assigned to the speaker (i.e., the discussion during speaking time control is between the Chair and the individual delegate only). 
  • Microphone Management For the Microphone technician who operates the system, the following is a synopsis of the meeting proceeding and how the microphones should be used in conjunction with the speaker timer.
    • Each delegate/member is assigned their own microphone. The Chair follows the camera images of who is talking on the flat screen located in front of the head table, and how much speaking time remains for the particular speaker through the speaking time control system.
    • The Chair's microphone should have a "priority" feature, which allows him/her to switch off the microphone of the speaking delegate. There is no speaking time limit for the Chair.
    • Only one delegate microphone should be active at any time, unless the Chair decides to override the current speaker. The microphones should be centrally operated by the technician using control software and not switched on or off by individual delegates, with the exception of the Chair who can override and switch off the current speaker at any time.
    • The order of proceedings would follow the format: Chair > Delegate A > Chair > Delegate B > Chair > Delegate C
    • To enable fast switching of the camera system, the program ID of each Microphone should correlate with the remotely controlled PTZ Camera system. A display mirror of the microphone management system’s “geographical layout” screen should be given to the camera operator to enable them to switch accordingly.
    • Lectern Microphones. All lectern mics provided should be condenser microphones with 18” goosenecks and supplied as matched pairs.
    • Table Microphones. All table mics should be condenser type and provided with suitable pop shields. The 3 head table microphones at the Business Session, where possible should be 18" longer type, to allow for extra space needed for secretarial and management materials.
    • Lapel and Handheld Microphones. All lapel and handheld microphones must be supplied with fresh/recharged batteries at the start of each session. Care should be taken that used batteries are not mixed with fresh batteries and that battery levels are monitored at all times by the console technician / sound engineer.
    • Lapel microphones should be supplied with suitable pop shields and must be cardioid or super cardioid type. Clips, cables and belt-packs should all be in good clean condition.
3.     Audio Desk / Console
  • ​​​​For the Opening Session, Business Session and Governors’ Seminar, it is recommended that Digital Audio Consoles and suitably trained operators be provided for ease of operation and for better clarity.
  • For smaller meetings the use of analogue desks is possible as long as adequate EQ outboard racks are provided.

C. Lighting Systems

  • All lighting systems provided by the host country’s vendors should be procured from a reputable lighting rental company with experience in providing similar service to international events.
  • All lighting systems should be known international brands with a known reputation in the rental market.
  • Lighting systems to augment standard room lighting will be required to illuminate stage areas effectively.
  • As part of ADB's sustainable event initiative, care should be taken to avoid excessive power consumption from unnecessary lighting fixtures where possible. The use of efficient lighting fixtures using LED technology is encouraged.
1.     Opening Session
  • ​​For the Opening Session, adequate numbers of generic fixtures including fresnel and profile/ellipsoidal lights should be used to provide suitable stage wash and scenic/logo/lectern highlighting as necessary. Fixtures for back (or key) lighting and side fill lighting should also be used and provided for depth of field for effective camera pickup for broadcasters and the filming crews.
    • Additional intelligent lighting such as moving head luminaries or LED fixtures for backdrops and stage performances (if any as part of any cultural performance) should be provided for theatrical and artistic purpose only. The lighting design for these performances will be under the direction of the Host Country Organizing Committee (HOC).
    • All lighting should be flown and rigged accordingly within the venue’s rigging structure or from suitable truss systems and installed under strict international health and safety measures and to include safety chains according to international standards.
    • The Opening Session speeches and delivery from stage should be under sufficient lighting to be clearly visible to the audience and be of a standard suitable for television broadcast cameras, webcast cameras and for the cameras recording for IPTV broadcast around the venue.
    • It must be possible to control/dim the venue house lighting as required and it should ideally be linked to the main lighting console.
    • Examples of previous Opening Sessions can be seen in Appendix 80.
2.     Business Session
  • ​Lighting for the Business Session should be sufficient to allow all delegations to work and present effectively from their desk/table positions and also for clear view across the room to the head table and to other ADB delegation members.
    • Lighting should either be integral to the venue or be augmented with additional lighting flown from truss above the seated area. Enough lighting should also be provided to illuminate and highlight the head table and backdrop panel. Additional lighting should be provided to highlight an area in front of the head table for the closing session and formal handing over of the gavel to allow adequate pickup from the camera systems.
    • Care should be taken to avoid too much heat generated from any additional generic lighting that makes it uncomfortable for the delegations or the head table to continue their work, or to be distracting to the eyes of speakers/presenters in delivering their speeches due to shallow or acute angles of lighting fixtures.
    • Lighting should be of an adequate standard and brightness for television broadcast camera crews and for the integral PTZ cameras positioned from within the central area of the U-Shape arrangement and it should allow for clear capture of the speaker with these cameras.
    • Sufficient house lighting should also be provided for observers and other members of delegations who will be watching and working from within the room.
    • Examples of previous Business Session can be seen in Appendix 81.
3.     Governors’ Seminar
  • ​​Lighting for the Governors’ Seminar should either be integral to the venue or be augmented with additional lighting flown from truss above the seated area to illuminate the stage. Enough lighting should also be provided to highlight the head table and backdrop panel.
    • Care should be taken to avoid too much heat generated from any additional generic lighting that makes it uncomfortable or distracting to the eyes of speakers/presenters in delivering their speeches due to shallow or acute angles of lighting fixtures.
    • Lighting should be of an adequate standard and brightness for television broadcast camera crews, webcast and for IPTV and allow for clear capture of the speakers/presenters with these cameras.
    • Sufficient house lighting should also be provided for the audience members and delegations that will be watching from within the room.
    • Examples of previous Governors’ Seminars can be seen in Appendix 82.
4.     Press Conferences and Media Briefings
  • ​Lighting should be of adequate standard and brightness for television broadcast camera crews, webcast and for IPTV. It should also allow for clear capture of the speakers/presenters on stage with these cameras.
    • Sufficient house lighting should also be provided for the audience members and media that will be watching from within the room.
    • The press conference and media briefing rooms need to have strong and reliable wi-fi to allow journalists to send articles and photos in real time.
5.     Other Meetings

​Lighting of high-level meetings or meetings with a head table or stage area should be provided where possible to enhance meeting rooms and allow for clear view of presenters and enable better photography and video opportunities where required.

D. Simultaneous Interpretation

All simultaneous interpretation (SI) systems provided by the host country’s vendors should be procured from a reputable rental company with experience in providing similar service to international events.

All SI systems should be known international brands with a historic relevance in the rental market. Systems may need to be rented from a specialized international SI company with experience in international multiple language meetings.

Although English is the working language of ADB, SI from and into different languages is provided for the following events:

  • President’s press conferences and select media briefings (2 booths)
  • Opening Session (5-6 booths)
  • Business Session (5-6 booths)
  • Governors' Seminar (up to 5 booths)
  • Governors' Plenary session (up to 5 booths)
  • One of the seminar rooms for seminars and subregional events requiring interpretation (should be equipped at all times with 2 booths)

The requirements are as follows:

  • SI facilities for four (4) to six (6) languages, including English as the master language.
  • Four (4) interpreters' booths with channel assignments and a spare booth with interpreters' equipment also set up (Total of five (5) booths). Depending on the host country there may be a requirement for a 6th booth if the country has more than one language requirement.
  • Adequate numbers of SI headsets for each meeting as required (receivers with headphones). Special Note: For any head table or stage panel, comfortable single earpiece type earphones must be provided. This will avoid potential feedback issues encountered if the presenter/speaker places their headset around their neck.
  • A distribution counter for SI headsets (receivers with headphones), including stands with signs indicating SI channel assignments (e.g., Channel 1—English; Channel 2—Chinese; Channel 3—French; Channel 4—Japanese; Channel 5—Russian; Channel 6—others). Channel assignments could also be displayed on projection screens.
  • Control booth with digital recording facilities (which must have back-up recorders) to record proceedings. In case of speeches delivered in languages other than English, the English interpretation is recorded by a separate recorder. Recordings should be labeled as English and Floor (for other languages). All recordings should be made in mp3 format and distributed either directly to server-based storage, accessible by ADB Secretariat or via manual delivery on portable USB drives and be clearly labeled both physically and with suitable file naming/folder structure, with reference to the meeting/session name, date and time. 
1.    Headset Losses

It is recommended that daily logs are taken by the rental suppliers and the room coordinator to monitor losses (if any). Losses are usually minimal and are often just misplaced or mistakenly removed from the meeting rooms. Should there be any losses, messages can be displayed in common areas using the IPTV screen system or on projection screens prior to and at the end of each meeting. Housekeeping notes can also be displayed at the start of each session to remind delegates not to remove headsets from the meeting rooms. Messages can also be relayed onto IPTV screens around the public areas. Another facility that is recommended is to have drop off boxes and signage at hotels for delegates who have mistakenly removed the headsets from the venue. ADB will not be responsible/liable for any losses of headsets and the host country should have clear written agreements in place with the rental vendors accordingly on how to deal with any losses and the costs associated with replacing units.

2.    SI System Transmission

The SI system should be Infra Red (IR). Receivers and audio should be digital to provide for best clarity. Interpreter consoles should be digital and be a known brand and have features and layout used and recognized by international interpreters.

3.    Interpreter Booths

Any portable interpreter booths supplied must comply with international ISO4043 specifications as detailed in Appendix 76 and in accordance with International Association of Conference Interpreters (AIIC) guidelines.

4.    Simultaneous Interpretation Coordination
  • At the meeting site, the ADB Secretariat provides assistance to the interpreters by showing them their assigned interpreter booths and how to use the equipment. A technical briefing and/or rehearsal are usually arranged in advance upon request by the host country technicians. A dedicated SI technician must be available at all times. 
  • During the meeting, the ADB Secretariat personally attends to the interpreters and ensures that advance copies of statements that the interpreters are required to interpret are provided to them.
  • The ADB Secretariat coordinates with host country meeting staff in charge of providing SI headsets and maintaining the SI channel assignments board located close to the entrance of the meeting room.
  • Distribution and collection of SI headsets will be the responsibility of the host country and its appointed vendors.  Sufficient numbers of support staff should be provided for larger sessions to help avoid losses and assist for fast turnovers between shared meeting venues/rooms. 
  • For the Opening Session and Business Session, it is recommended that SI headsets and receivers be distributed from a central point outside or just inside the meeting room, with clear indication of channel assignments. 

E. Video / Audio Recording and Formats

Meetings and seminars are required to be recorded for both audio and video.

1.     Audio Recordings
  • ​Digital audio recorders are to be provided by the host country to record continuously but on to separate files for each meeting. After each event/meeting, the technician or responsible person from the Host or PCO is responsible for labeling and naming all files. It is preferred and encouraged that these files be directly uploaded regularly from the conference rooms to a central server storage location or at the Master Control Room (MCR). Network capable recorders are also an option to efficiently upload the files. Alternatively, manual distribution can be facilitated on portable USB drives for delivery to the ADB Secretariat for file name check, and eventual distribution to the organizers who requested the recording. However, this manual process is time consuming and increases risk of loss of files. Due to the large number of files a dedicated person should be engaged by the PCO or technical vendor to oversee this and coordinate with the ADB Secretariat Technical focal points.
  • It is imperative that individual meetings be recorded as separate files and labeled/file named accordingly. A suggested format is <YYMMDD>_<TIME>_<Meeting Name>_<Room>. For example, for the Governors’ Roundtable on 3rd May 2012 from 10am to 11.30am at Ballroom B, the file would be named as: 120503_1000-1130_GovernorsRoundTable_Ballroom-B.mp3
  • Audio files should be delivered by the host country to the designated person responsible in the ADB Secretariat.
2.     Video Recordings

​The host country is responsible for video recording of events at the Annual Meeting. Video files should be delivered by the host country to the designated person responsible in the ADB Secretariat and for eventual handover to the Digital Communications Team of ADB's Department of Communications (DOC).

Video Recordings for Archive and Broadcast use

  • Video recordings should be made from the final mix of the camera systems provided at the Opening Session, Business Session, and Governors’ Seminar. The format should be 16:9 HD and suitable for future post edit, ideally provided on hard disk for direct transfer to an editing system. Actual file format will be dependent on the camera manufacturer and recording decks that are provided but all should be of professional grade and in a format standard for video editing systems. It is preferred that all formats be consistent through the different venues. It is preferred that 2 sets of recorders are provided for real-time compressed web ready H.264 versions, for immediate post-event use, and master recorders for uncompressed versions for post-edit purposes.

Video Recordings for Delayed Webcast

  • Any meetings that are to be recorded for delayed webcast must be encoded at source into web ready H.264.MP4 or .MOV formats using suitable recorders. Audio and video feeds are to be sourced from the vendors that are providing the camera and audio systems and where possible the same company should provide the webcast recording facilities to ensure that it is cohesive and requirements for quality of signal are maintained throughout. Where meetings are held in multiple languages, care should be taken to ensure that both floor language and English interpreted languages are recorded as 2x separate channels. ADB requires files to be provided in English for future upload to its servers.
3.   Recordings Governance
  • All recordings (both video and audio) should only be passed to the relevant ADB Secretariat staff for final distribution to the ADB Department of Communications or relevant meeting organizers.

F. Live Webcast

  •  The webcasts need to have clear audible English voiceover from the SI system if the language spoken is not English.
    Arrangements need to be in place for the live webcasts and broadcast of certain events, comprising the Opening Session, Business Session, Governors' Seminar, and other select seminars as advised in advance by ADB.
  • Arrangements need to be made to test with ADB staff the live webcasts (video and audio) in the first quarter of the year of the Annual Meeting. The host country will be responsible for the transmission of the live webcast and broadcast of events and provide an adequate fixed IP address on an uncontended line with sufficient bandwidth of at least 20Mb/s. A suitable RTMP IP streaming device must be provided with HDMI/HDSDI input to point toward a URL to be provided by ADB prior to the transmission. This will allow for the live webcast streams to be placed within the ADB website. Additionally, a second streaming device must be provisioned for to allow for direct Facebook live or other social media channel steaming on request.
  • The webcasts need to have clear audible English voiceover from the SI system if the language spoken is not English. After the webcast, copies of the original program should be made available to ADB within 2 hours of each event to enable editing and uploading on websites. These recordings are to be in a format that can be used as video-on-demand. ADB will accept only .MOV or .MP4 formats.

Where meetings are in multiple languages, the floor language and English interpretation channels should be recorded separately so that video on demand can be chosen with the correct audio stream.

G. IPTV and Digital Signage - Flat Screen TV Screens

  • An IPTV / Digital Signage system complete with Content Management Software should be installed and linked to various flat screen TV displays throughout the venue. Screens must be installed in the ADB Secretariat, Seminar Coordination office, heads of departments and Board offices, media center, and President's office, as well as other locations in high traffic public areas, to view the live broadcast of the proceedings of the opening session, business session, Governors' seminar and select seminars as well as to provide various infographics, digital signage and for playing of ADB and Host related video material. Locations and final list will be provided by ADB.
  • The full IPTV system and network should be installed and tested at least 4 days before the opening of the offices.
  • The total number of flat screen TV displays depends on the venue, but it is usually around 50 units.  It will be confirmed by the ADB Annual Meeting Coordinator.
  • Use of IPTV is the preferred technology providing that venue bandwidth is capable, and the network can handle live streaming of video content. The network should be able to support end to end Gigabit connectivity.  A separate V-LAN on suitable network architecture should be made for this requirement or preferably a separate network altogether. Cloud based distribution can alternatively be used if local network infrastructure is limited.
  • A content management system must be provided to allow daily scheduling and programming of live streams from select events and from ADB content provided by DOC and the host.  The system should be autonomous with only a need to activate and set the schedule once daily in the morning, but with the ability to make changes/program interruptions on the fly if required.
  • ADB provides part of the content such as videos, agenda and static content, while the host country is responsible for providing, installing and operating the live links and scheduling/programming of the content to the flat screen TVs and ensuring all necessary cabling. ADB will guide the Host in the final programming of the schedules.
  • Additional stand-alone flat screen TVs are to be provided by the host country for dedicated use by DOC and ADB's media partners. These screens must have the ability to display content locally on the screen from USB media players or PC stick.
  • Cable TV Channels that feature content provided by media partners, for example, CNBC, Bloomberg, must be provided using a suitable Set Top Box (STB) or direct live weblink to be ingested into the IPTV system and displayed on selected screens.
  • Final quantity and locations will be determined during venue inspections.
  • IPTV and Digital Signage - Method of Transmission/Broadcast

    The IPTV broadcast system should allow live coverage of the events detailed above to be clearly viewable on all screens at the scheduled times. At other times media content such as videos from ADB or the host country, looping presentations or other sources or delegate information, digital events boards of agenda screens should also be updatable and part of the network.

    IPTV transmission via a Server / IP based digital TV / signage platform should show content from within play-lists or scheduled events and switched to a live switched stream via IPTV feeds when active sessions are required to be viewed.

    Digital signage using a Content Management System (CMS) allows for many ways to display information, such as live streams, TV channels, static pages or video, overlays and tickers and has the flexibility to control what screens are displaying independently as well as in groups within certain areas. IPTV/digital signage receivers are placed at each flat screen TV screens and controlled over IP to switch to the correct IPTV stream, channel, agenda item or to push content direct to the display and show content uploaded to the receiver itself.

    It is imperative that a content management system be provided to allow for programmed scheduling and autonomous operation. Daily program and sequencing of content will be advised by ADB.

H. Camera Specifications

Various camera setups are required for the following events. All cameras should be at least HD format and current specification.

To enable better communications and avoid signal latency, the vision mixer and camera director should be located locally within the meeting room and not in a separate media van or OB van. A portable production unit comprising all elements for a field production should be supplied and installed together with the AV systems.

Details of these camera specifications are given below.

1.     Opening Session
  • ​​
     To enable better communications and avoid signal latency, the vision mixer and camera director should be located locally within the meeting room and not in a separate media van or OB van.
    For the Opening Session, the event will be recorded for later broadcast/archive as well as webcast and transmitted live throughout the venue IPTV screens. It is important that a broadcast standard camera system be provided. As well as speeches from the table and lecterns there may be a cultural performance so suitable camera chains should be provided to capture the activities effectively.
  • At least 1x camera complete with long zoom Tele Lens and EFP setup should be positioned centrally within the front of house area for capture of the onstage speeches/presentations for medium close ups.
  • 2x to 3x additional cameras with EFP setups including tripod, remote Zoom/Focus controls, Pan Bars and top mount preview monitors should be provided.
  • All cameras should be equipped with either fibre optic, triax or multicore connectivity to individual camera control units at the console position and be complete with communications to the individual camera operators to the Vision Director and CCU operator.
  • A portable production unit comprising of a suitable broadcast grade Vision Mixer, monitoring and signal distribution should be supplied together with support Engineers and a Vision Director to direct the cameras.
  • A recording system should be supplied in accordance with the specifications given in Section E above. 
2.     Business Session

The main purpose of the cameras for the Business Session is to provide close ups of the speaking member for clear viewing across the room on the various display screens as well as for webcast, IPTV transmission through public areas, selected offices and for archival for future use. As the seating arrangement is a hollow rectangle / U-shape, there is a need to place remotely controlled Pan Tilt Zoom Cameras (PTZs) within the hollow area. Given the size of the table area, it is recommended that at least 3x units of PTZs be placed in the central area.

  • These cameras should be broadcast standard, 3CCD and at least HD format.
  • They should have remote panning of at least 350 degrees and be placed on pedestals no higher than the height of the table (nominally 75-80cm).
  • The camera pedestals can be well hidden using floral / plant arrangements in the center area.
  • Cameras should be capable of at least 50-99 presets each so that position recall can be made upon activation of the respective seated position. To enable fast switching, the program ID of each position should correlate with the microphone number and a display with the microphone system’s “geographical layout screen” be given to the camera operator.
  • Switching between cameras should be made manually using a Digital Vision mixer.
  • The format of the PTZ camera signal should be HD-SDI/NDI or of a comparable quality.

​To augment the PTZ cameras there will be a requirement to add at least four (4) units of manned cameras on each of the camera platforms on either side of the room. It is important that at least one manned camera equipped with a long zoom Tele lens should also be supplied to focus on the Chair.  Specifications for these cameras should be the same as for the Opening Session and be Broadcast / at least HD standard.

Both the manned and PTZ cameras should be linked to the same Digital Vision Mixer (alternatively the PTZ cameras can be sub-mixed by its own controller) and a mix/program feed be sent to a portable production unit comprising of a suitable broadcast grade vision mixer, monitoring and signal distribution should be supplied together with support engineers and a vision director to direct the cameras.

  • IPTV system
  • Webcast system recording
  • Archival recording system 
3.     Governors’ Seminar
  • ​​Two to 3 cameras with EFP setups including tripod, remote zoom/focus controls, pan bars and top mount preview monitors should be provided. Camera video should be connected to the vision mixer using at least HD SDI cable or Multicore/Fibre/Triax where possible.
  • All cameras should be complete with communications to the individual camera operators to the Vision Director.

A portable production unit comprising a suitable broadcast grade vision mixer, monitoring and signal distribution should be supplied together with support engineers and a vision director to direct the cameras.

A recording system should be supplied in accordance with the specifications given in section E above.

Camera Mix/Program will be required to be sent to:

  • IPTV system
  • Webcast system recording and live webcast streaming system
  • Archival recording system

I. Video Conferencing

With increased use of video conferencing in international events, there will be a requirement to provide IP-based video conferencing in select high-level meetings at short notice, such as the Business Session. While the Annual meeting is a face to face in-person event, and encouraged for full attendance, there may be instances where Governors or Ministers may not be able to attend in-person. Facilitation of linking those remote speaking participants to the meeting via video conferencing will need to be provided.

To incorporate clean and effective switching of remote participants into a meeting the minimum requirements will be:

  • At least 3x Windows enabled laptops with Zoom desktop app installed. One will act as the host of the meeting and be equipped with a necessary video and audio capture device, linked to the main technical systems. The other 2 will be dedicated as Pinned sources, i.e., Current & Next. If more than 2x Pins are required, notification will be provided by the ADB Secretariat in advance and additional laptops may be required and provided from the vendor’s contingent / spare stocks. 
  • Capture devices should be from a renowned brand, up to date and equipped with USB-C.  
  • Return audio and video program feeds from the meeting should be sent back to the remote participants, with mix-minus audio so that they can follow the proceedings clearly. 
  • Zoom meeting links will be hosted and managed by ADB as a security measure and calls enabled for SIP (Session Initiated Protocol) for connection to traditional Video Conference systems often used by Ministries. 
  • Test calls must be made (at least one day before) for any VC equipped meeting with relevant representatives and will be supported and facilitated by the ADB Secretariat technical team.

J. Master Control Room

A master control room (MCR) should be installed by the host technical vendors to allow for greater control of all cameras, IPTV, video/AV and audio signals as well as all recordings. This should be controlled from a central geographical location within the venue and allow for efficient cable connectivity. This location can be a small room (15-20 sq.m) to allow technicians to monitor the live proceedings of events and to ensure that recordings and live streaming are carried out as effectively and efficiently as possible. Meeting rooms should be networked via fiber optic or use of other network stream technology such as “SRT”, “Medior Link”, “NDI” or “Dante” to distribute Audio and Video from each meeting room back to the MCR location.