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Chapter 12

Sponsorship, Partnership, and Gifts


The purpose of this chapter is to provide an outline of ADB’s expectations regarding how and what type of sponsors may be engaged by the host country.

It also outlines ADB’s requirements of the host country pertaining to strategic media partnerships and collaborative branding opportunities.

The host country and PCO should ensure that they are also familiar with ADB’s sponsorship prospectus in Appendix 52.

The chapter also provides guidance around gifting what is acceptable within the confines of the annual meeting.

Important Information:

  • ADB recognizes and accepts the need for sponsorship to cover some of the cost of hosting an Annual Meeting.
  • Sponsors may support activities, events, or in kind services or they may provide cash to the host country.
  • Acknowledgement of sponsors must be done in a manner that is in keeping with the tone and image of the Annual Meeting.
  • To ensure that the sponsor, product, and acknowledgement of sponsorship are acceptable to ADB, the host country is to consult  with ADB about sponsors that it engages.
  • Sponsors may use the Annual Meeting logo after seeking approval from ADB through the host country.
  • ADB also enters into partnership with selected media on a barter basis in return for reciprocal branding opportunities, as part of its efforts to raise awareness of the Annual Meeting, ADB, and host country.
  • ADB requests the host country’s cooperation in acknowledging ADB’s media partners and ensuring that branding opportunities for media partners are duly fulfilled.
  • ADB partners with international and regional media organizations, while the host country is encouraged to partner with local media organizations.

  1.   ADB permits the host country to seek sponsorship and partnership for Annual Meeting activities, negotiations for which are always between the host country authorities and the sponsoring/partnering organizations or companies.
    ADB recognizes the need for host countries to supplement their budgets with sponsored activities, events, and services. This necessitates a reciprocal arrangement under which a sponsor buys the right to promote its product or service as well as adequate public attribution of its sponsorship. However, ADB is also concerned that its Annual Meeting should not have a commercial look; consequently, it reserves the right to veto any sponsors that it finds unsuitable as well as any promotion or advertising of sponsors' products that is not in accordance with the image of the Annual Meeting and the values of ADB. To ensure ADB’s image is protected, OSEC requires that the host country authorities continuously consult ADB about sponsors and partners it engages and the acknowledgement of sponsorship and partnership. ADB must be consulted before proposals are submitted to potential sponsors and partners. An example of such proposals can be found in Sponsorship opportunities.
  2. Within these parameters, ADB permits the host country to seek sponsorship and partnership for Annual Meeting activities, negotiations for which are always between the host country authorities and the sponsoring/partnering organizations or companies. ADB may agree to registering a limited number of high-level representatives of sponsoring/partnering organizations and corporations.  A sponsors’ lounge may be set up inside the meeting venue for CEOs of major corporate sponsors to use. 
  3. ADB's sponsorship guidelines are provided in Appendix 52. Should the host country wish to develop their own sponsorship prospectus, it is requested that this is approved by ADB prior to being disseminated to potential partners.