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Chapter 12

Sponsorship, Partnership, and Gifts

12.1. Sponsorship

In this Section:
  1. Use of Annual Meeting and ADB Logos

  2. Attribution of Sponsorship

  3. Media Partnerships

Sponsors may sponsor activities, events, or services. For activities and events (e.g., networking events and seminars) and even for services, sponsorship should be sourced from institutions and corporations that have some relevance to ADB's development mandate. These may include financial institutions, industrial corporations, financial information services, communication companies, and utilities from the host country. Sponsors of services are restricted to essential requirements for international conferences (e.g., drinking water, equipment, VIP vehicles, signs, conference bags, and any souvenirs for participants). Host countries may also accept cash from companies that wish to sponsor the Annual Meeting but are not in a position to sponsor an activity, event, or service. Any agreements or contracts setting out how such funds should be used, receipts, and reporting requirements are between the host country and the sponsors.

ADB encourages the host country to source sponsors who are able to provide support or services that are sustainable and in line with the values of hosting a green and sustainable annual meeting.

A. Use of Annual Meeting and ADB Logos

The Annual Meeting logo may be used with sponsors' logos in accordance with the Annual Meeting branding guidelines (Chapter 5. Branding the Annual Meeting). However, to safeguard the integrity of the ADB logo, ADB does not permit it to be used for commercial or promotional purposes with sponsors' names or logos. Exceptions are made for ADB-organized seminars that are held in cooperation with another organization or corporation when the purpose is to enhance the value of the seminar and audience interest through a partnership. In such cases, the ADB logo may be used at ADB's discretion with the co-sponsors' logo in invitations, joint publications, and seminar banners or backdrops.

B. Attribution of Sponsorship

  1. Attribution of sponsorship should be treated discreetly. Appendix 83 outlines acceptable attribution of sponsorship. A sponsors' board  displaying sponsors' names and logos is acceptable, as is a list of sponsors—including ADB sponsors and partners—in a host country publication or on the host country website or by other digital means, as approved by ADB. Appendix 84 contains examples of this usage. High-profile stalls or displays are not acceptable unless they are in a separate sponsors' or exhibition hall.
  2. As a general rule, should the host country require a dedicated sponsor or exhibition space in parallel with the annual meeting, it is requested that such exhibitions, stalls, and displays of sponsors' products be held in a separate venue, or, if in the same venue, on a level or floor separate from the Annual Meeting and its offices. Exceptions are made for stalls in meeting services when a sponsor is used, for example, a foreign exchange desk (sponsored by a host country bank), a travel desk (sponsored by a host country airline), and displays of publications of a seminar co-sponsor/partner or of a host country newspaper that is a sponsor/partner.
  3. Out of scope  sponsor requirements: Should a sponsor have ancillary or ad hoc requirements at the annual meeting as part of their partnership agreement with the host country, these may need tol be executed by the host country or PCO at the sponsor’s expense. In this case it is the responsibility of the host country or PCO to ensure these requirements are delivered upon and invoiced accordingly.

C. Media Partnerships

  1. ADB, through the Department of Communications, will enter into partnerships on a barter basis with international and regional media, while the Host country will partner with national media in return for reciprocal branding opportunities. Media partners are either print or broadcast media organizations.
  2. Visibility and branding opportunities for media partners may include installation of a dedicated line for live airing of partners’ interviews or programs from the Annual Meeting venue, showing of promotional materials, placement of stand-up banners, display of logos on digital screens or media partner boards as well as the ADB website, distribution of limited copies of publications at strategic high-traffic areas, provision of television monitors/terminals to show promotional programs, and exhibition displays. Space allocation for media partners will be determined by DOC in consultation with the Host country. Alternatively, if there is an appetite for a social media based partnership or collaboration, this can be discussed.
  3. As part of the partnership, journalists from the media partner organizations may be invited to serve as seminar moderators.
  4. ADB and the host country will share information on their respective media partnerships. ADB and the host country are expected to fulfill the terms under the partnership agreement with their respective media partners.   
  5. A list of samples of sponsorship in past Annual Meetings is in Appendix 85.