This chapter offers a very detailed breakdown of the exact requirements for every single meeting held across the annual meeting.
Within each section of the chapter, a draft floorplan is provided as are reference photographs of past setups.
Each meeting setup has its own unique list of requirements and these are listed here, in dot point format. The PCO appointed to manage the meeting room setup should have an intimate knowledge of each meeting room space selected to ensure they offer the correct size, setup and infrastructure requirements.
Important Information:
- The host country must appoint one Room Manager to oversee the setups in each part of the venue where there are meeting or seminar rooms.
- If these rooms are spread out in different buildings or far apart inside of the venue, a different Room Manager should oversee each area, with a team of technicians and staff to prepare the setups.
- Each room should be set up and checked 30 minutes before the next meeting. Longer set-up time (at least one hour) is recommended for rooms to be used for Governors' events (Governors' Seminar and Governors' Plenary).
- All equipment and other meeting requirements should be provided and checked in advance.
- Once the host country room manager is satisfied with the meeting room setup, it will be checked and approved by the ADB room manager prior to the meeting taking place.
Useful Resources From This Chapter:
- Appendix 17 - Floor Plans and Layouts Brief - Fiji 2019
- Appendix 18 - Opening Session - Sample Seating Plan
- Appendix 23 - Meeting and Function Rooms Utilizations
- Appendix 80 - Opening Session - Photographs
- Appendix 127 - Speech Prompter
- Appendix 128 - Business Sessions and Speaking Time Control Equipment
- Appendix 129 - Governors’ Plenary - Photographs
- Appendix 130 - Subregional Meetings Photographs
- Appendix 131 - Parallel Meeting - Photographs
- Appendix 132 - Press Conferences - Photographs