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Chapter 19

Meeting Setups

19.6. Floral Arrangements

  1.  For both the opening session and the business session, the floral arrangements should be able to withstand the heat from the venue lights.
    Floral arrangements are required in the meeting halls for the opening and business sessions.
  2. The florist is advised to ensure that the floral decorations for the opening session are in place at least 2 hours before the start of the session.
  3. For both the opening session and the business session, the floral arrangements should be able to withstand the heat from the venue lights.
  4. During the opening session, plants should also be arranged around the lecterns to ensure that speech prompters cannot be seen.
  5. The height of the floral arrangement for the business session should not obstruct the speaking time control equipment, floor monitors, cameras or  the sight lines of the members seated around the table; therefore, they should be no higher than the tables. Floral arrangement and appropriate set/scenic dressing should conceal cables of the technical system (Appendix 128).
  6. Plants or floral arrangements are also required in the offices of the Chair, ADB President, Vice-Presidents, Managing Director General, Dean of the ADB Institute, Secretary, and the lounges.
  7. Additional displays may be placed on registration counters, service counters (e.g., Travel and Tours desk), and in the public areas.
  8. A summary of the floral/plant arrangement requirements is shown below.
    Location Flower arrangement (recommend plants rather than flowers) Indoor plants
    Opening Session / Business Session Room / /
    Governors' Lounge / /
    Delegates' Lounge / /
    Observers' Lounge   /
    Sponsors' Lounge   /
    All Seminar and Meeting Rooms   /
    Speakers and Coordinators Meeting Room   /
    Office of the Chair, Board of Governors / /
    Office of the ADB President / /
    Office of the Secretary of the Board of Governors / /
    Offices of the Vice Presidents and Managing Director General /  
    Office of the Dean, ADB Institute /  
    Board of Directors' Offices Receptionists /  
    Delegates' lounge   /
    Heads of Departments' Offices   /
    Registration Center Open area   /
    Information Desks /  
    Media Interview Room   /
    Television Studio   /