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2. Hosting the Annual Meeting

  1. The list of past Annual Meeting venues is in Appendix 1, while the generic process for hosting an Annual Meeting is in Appendix 2.
  2. When an ADB member informally expresses interest in hosting an Annual Meeting, ADB provides the requirements for hosting, including a draft memorandum of understanding (MOU), an outline of the cost-sharing agreement, and meeting room details and other requirements. After the host country’s consideration of the requirements and approval in principle of the cost-sharing agreement, ADB fields a fact-finding mission to assess the facilities and to hold discussions with senior host country officials. The fact-finding mission is usually composed of the Secretary and the ADB Annual Meeting Coordinator, and its objective is to assess facilities and to hold discussions with senior host country officials. During this mission, the prospective host country shortlists key cities and probable meeting venues in each, usually a convention center or exhibition center for the mission to consider. The mission uses the criteria for selecting a host city checklist (Appendix 3) in assessing the proposed city.
  3. The venue for the Annual Meeting should have the following space available:
    • A total of about 20,000 square meters [m2] of conference space, preferably in one venue 
    • Convention Center or meeting hall for the opening session to accommodate 1500 - 2000pax with significant staging requirements (about 2,500 m2) as well as for business session (about 30 meters [m] by 60 m)
    • sufficient number, size, and type of meeting rooms to accommodate seminars, constituency meetings, and other ancillary meetings (about 5,700 m2. Refer to occupancy schedule for more detail on this.  
    • sufficient suitable space to accommodate temporary ADB offices, including a registration center, media center, and NGO and civil society center, as well as areas for meeting services (e.g., a transport desk and an information desk) (about 6,400 m2) Refer to occupancy schedule for more information on this.
    • adequate ancillary services (e.g., food outlets, a medical clinic, elevators, safety standards such as fire exits, facilities for persons with disabilities, and adequate restrooms)
    • suitable venues for hosting official networking and social events, preferably at or close to the meeting venue (from 2,500 to 3,000 m2)
  4. Further, the host country should have about 500 three-star and 2,000 four- and five-star hotel rooms, about 100 suites, and various function rooms (as listed above) for ADB and Annual Meeting participants, at reasonable rates, and preferably located close to the meeting venue.
  5. In addition, the host country is expected to provide
    • adequate security and traffic control, see Chapter 15. Security and Traffic Control
    • high-quality technical and other equipment and furniture for the meeting and temporary ADB offices
    • local staff to support the Annual Meeting (including technical staff, conference personnel, receptionists, janitors, drivers, and support services of English-speaking local staff)
    • adequate staff and facilities at the airport (or point of entry into the host country) for arrival and departure formalities (i.e., customs, immigration, and quarantine) of the meeting participants
    • efficient and reliable transport (e.g., chauffeur-driven cars and shuttle bus services) and parking
  6. The host country should
    • check if any special events, local attractions, parades or other meetings and conventions are also scheduled during or close to the Annual Meeting period to ensure that these do not compete with the resources of the prospective host city or affect circulation around the city
    • tentatively book the proposed meeting venues, from the setting-up date prior to the dismantling date after the Annual Meeting
    • ensure that any renovation plans of the proposed meeting venues are completed at least six months before the setting-up date or are scheduled only after the dismantling date
    • ensure that should transport be required between the venues, it can be done seamlessly for 4000 participants