13.3. Invitations Issued by the Host Country
In this Section:
Host Country Events (including Networking Events)
Tours Program
A. Host Country Events (including Networking Events)
- The HOC issues e-invitations for host country restricted events. Arrangements should follow the protocol of the host country.The HOC issues e-invitations for host country restricted events. Arrangements should follow the protocol of the host country. The HOC must keep the ADB's networking events unit informed about these events.
- Seating arrangements for luncheons and dinners (i) follow host country protocol, and (ii) require that the ADB President and spouse (if spouses are invited) are at the head table. During cultural events, the seats for host country VIPs, heads of delegations, ADB Management, and special guests, including spouses and partners, should be reserved.
- To assist in the preparation of these events, ADB provides the HOC with a list of VIP participants, spouses and partners, and other lists as requested.
- For host country-hosted networking events to which all participants are invited, invitations may be issued by email at the discretion of the host country. Invitations are issued for restricted events, such as the luncheon hosted by the Guest of Honor or the Chair of the Board of Governors.
- It should be ensured that once attendee lists are finalized for each of these events, that these are shared with ADB staff responsible for checking off approved attendees.
B. Optional Tours Program
Important Information:
- Online registration for the Tours Program needs to be user-friendly and effective for efficient tracking of participants.
- Information about the Tours Program should be posted on the website by November.
The Tours Program is optional. It may be charged to the participants. The program is prepared by the host country. Appendix 30 contains a sample program. A registration system is usually set up for online registration and uploaded to the host country website.
Example of Host Country Tours Program Website:

- All participants are eligible to join the program.