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Chapter 17



The purpose of this chapter is to provide an outline of responsibilities pertaining to the category of registration. While ADB does much of the registration management in the lead up to the annual meeting, there is a lot of onus on the host country for provision of infrastructure onsite.

Pre-registration is encouraged for all participants. However, there are cases where a delegate will attend and may not have pre-registered, in which case they must prove they are part of an ADB accredited organization and are therefore an invited guest.

If a dedicated registration company is being appointed to this part of the event, this chapter will prove invaluable.

Important Information:

  • A dedicated registration center with specific infrastructure is required to be provided by the host country. It is open throughout the meeting for delegates to receive their badges.
  • It is imperative that not only all guests are registered and receive a badge to attend the meeting, but also that all locally-engaged staff, including technicians, venue and events/PCO staff and local assistants go through the formal registration system as well. 
  • All staff, suppliers, technicians, venue/ PCO staff and local assistance should wear their badge at all times including setup days
  • HC/PCO is responsible to create a system with a separate badge that allows suppliers access. All suppliers must register the names and vehicle details with the HC/PCO prior to setup to gain access to the spaces.
  • The host country is responsible for designating a contact person or registration manager who will coordinate the registration of all locally-engaged staff.
  • ADB provides the software, ID badges, and registration staff needed to implement registration procedures.
  • Registration to the Annual Meeting is strictly by invitation only. Interested parties should request an invitation by submitting their credentials to a secured website (see Chapter 13. Accreditation and Invitations).
  • For visa facilitation and transportation arrangement, ADB gives the host country access to a secure website containing participant information from the registration database.
  • All participants must register in ADB’s online registration system prior to the Annual Meeting and wear their ID badges that they receive upon arrival during the registration process at all Annual Meeting events and venues.
  • Registration onsite is discouraged to avoid queues at the registration center.
  • The HOC ensures that a focal person or registration manager is present at the registration center to help in accrediting local invitees and media.
  • Registration personnel to be trained how to download and navigate through the ADB App to help encourage participants download and use the app throughout the Annual Meeting.
  • Security coordination at the registration center is the responsibility of the HOC.

  1.   The host country is required to provide the cameras (webcams) for Photo ID to the ADB’s registration unit, coordinates the development of the online registration system, and is responsible for setting up procedures for accreditation and registration onsite.
    ADB provides the system and technical infrastructure for the registration of all ADB and Host country guests. This includes the badge printing software, lanyards, badge cards and associated equipment. The host country is required to provide the cameras (webcams) for Photo ID to the ADB’s registration unit, coordinates the development of the online registration system, and is responsible for setting up procedures for accreditation and registration onsite. At the meeting site, the registration unit manages the registration center, coordinates accreditation and registration of walk-in guests, and provides lists of participants upon request. 
  2. The process of registration is that a delegate will receive a formal invitation from the ADB via email and they then click a link which takes them to the ADB registration site where they complete their details.
  3. ADB uses an electronic event management system for its online registration. While the system allows for online registration during the Annual Meeting, invitees are encouraged to register online early, especially if a visa is required to enter the host country. Invitees are required to register online by accessing a secure on-line form, and are required to attach a digital photograph to complete their registration.