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Chapter 20

Media and Outreach Activities

20.1. Host Country Media and Communications Focal Point

  1. The host country designates a Media and Communications focal point or manager with whom ADB's Department of Communications (DOC) communicates directly and coordinates closely to facilitate media participation and coverage and implementation of media, multimedia, web, and branding and communications activities. The Media and Communications focal point should be an official of appropriate seniority and authority to make decisions on media and communications matters on behalf of the host country, experienced in media and public relations, and with a good understanding of how the national media operates. He or she is expected to be appointed not later than 9 months before the Annual Meeting.
  2. Overall responsibilities and requirements of Media and Communications focal point person or manager:
    • communicate directly with the Director, DOC and be part of the Host Country Secretariat, in coordinating the media and communications requirements from the host country.
    • must have good local knowledge of the host country's media, be able to communicate effectively in English, and provide ground support to DOC staff, particularly in the run-up to the Annual Meeting.
    • be available at the Media Center during the Annual Meeting and work closely on a day-to-day basis with the DOC media team on-site. 
    • Must have great communication skills, possible previous journalistic experience and deep ties within the host countries media landscape.
  3. The Media and Communications focal point person coordinates all media and communications activities, which include:
    • providing an overview of the host country media, and advising on the outreach program needed
    • facilitating visa and other travel requirements, customs clearance of audio-visual and photography equipment for media coverage, and other formalities for international media
    • providing a list of host country-based journalists who the host country would like to invite to the Annual Meeting
    • facilitating media registration (i.e., assisting local media to register using ADB’s electronic system; reminding local media of deadline for online registration; and verifying local media who register on-site)
    • arranging local media's requests for interviews with host country officials
    • conducting outreach activities with local media (e.g., coordinating press tours and briefings)
    • coordinating with DOC on local media participation in all key events
    • coordinating live coverage of the Annual Meeting with national broadcasters of the host country and facilitate hook-ups to other broadcasters
    • coordinating with ADB on social media activities
    • coordinating upload of content on website and live webcast
    • helping create promotional materials for the host country in partnership with the agency or PCO looking after branding and marketing of the event
    • Manage the media and marketing budget of the host country, if there is one