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Chapter 26

Printing and Printed Materials

26.4. Advanced Printing

The following is a checklist of other printed materials produced in advance for the Annual Meeting, showing printing by ADB and printing by Host country1.

Title of Printed or Online Material To be printed by Further Action by
ADB Host Country ADB Host country
Manila Onsite
Arrangements paper X     Provide draft to host country. Endorse finalization and printing.
General information  for web page (not printed)       Request information from the host organizing committee (HOC). Provide information and high-resolution photographs.
Send the draft to the HOC. Comment on the draft before final layout and uploading to the ADB Annual Meeting website.
Provide link to the HOC. Approve the link for uploading to ADB Annual Meeting website.
Information bulletins X     Provide draft to the HOC. Provide inputs and comments on the draft.
Document folder with business documents X     Provide draft to the HOC. Approve the design.
Annual Meeting identification badges with emergency number X     Provide draft to the HOC, and explain the colors. Check the information, and approve the design.
AM Event Program (web version)       Provide draft to the HOC. Comment on the draft before final layout and printing.
InfoMap   X   Provide draft to the HOC. Comment on the draft before final layout and printing.
Invitation cards for restricted official networking events hosted by HOC, if required     X   Provide to the registration center for placing in registration envelopes.
Shuttle bus schedules, if any     X    
Evacuation Plan   X X   To be placed in the conference bag.

Download Advanced Printing Materials Checklist