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Chapter 26

Printing and Printed Materials

26.1. Annual Meeting Print Material Guidelines

  1. The Annual Meeting is a sustainable event (see Chapter 25. Green and Sustainable Meeting) thus all printing of materials is to be avoided. Whenever possible, materials should be produced and disseminated in digital format. The few items that are printed must fall within the limited categories of Annual Meeting printed event materials, and should be guided by Chapter 5. Branding the Annual Meeting in terms of logo use and application.
  2. All ADB publications should be digitally available on the ADB Annual Meeting website. The availability of these publications on the website will be advertised through the Annual Meeting digital newsletters and via the digital screens at the venue. ADB continually tries to reduce or totally eliminate shipping of printed publications from ADB HQ to the venue.
  3. The ADB Annual Meeting website publication's page features relevant ADB publications on topics or seminars scheduled to be discussed during the meeting. The OSEC Seminar team provides guidance on these topics.
  4. If printed publications are absolutely necessary (for example, for a publication launch), it is advised to either ship very few copies, bring only promotional fliers, use USB versions, or print limited copies onsite.
  5. All seminars, institutional events, and host country events should use digital backdrops only, thus removing the need to print, install, and dismantle printed backdrops. Generic digital backdrops are used to brand the venue. See Chapter 5. Branding the Annual Meeting.
  6.  The Annual Meeting is a sustainable event thus all printing of materials is to be avoided. Whenever possible, materials should be produced and disseminated in digital format.
    Sponsored seminar organizers are allowed to bring printed materials to be distributed to seminar participants but sponsors are encouraged to keep printed materials at a minimum or to distribute them on USBs. They are responsible for taking back leftover copies after the event.
  7. Niche economic and financial print publications, cleared by Department of Communications (DOC), may be displayed in selected high-traffic areas in the venue. Newspapers/magazines will be placed in bins or racks provided by the media organizations, who are responsible for their delivery and display at the venue, in close consultation with DOC; and also for arranging newspaper distribution in delegate's hotels. Print copies which have not been cleared by DOC will be collected and returned to the publisher post event. Shipping and transport of these materials will be charged to the publisher. For Print Media and Broadcast Media partnerships please refer to Chapter 12. Sponsorship, Partnership, and Gifts.
  8. Very few documents are printed by ADB at the Annual Meeting venue. The Governors' statements are not printed; instead, they are posted on the Annual Meeting website after delivery. Similarly, no seminar documents or presentations are printed. These are also uploaded on the website. Some informational and promotional materials about the Annual Meeting may be printed but these are isolated cases under exceptional circumstances. ADB consults the Host country on the content of these materials.
  9. News releases are printed upon request only.