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Chapter 9

Visas, Immigration and Customs Clearance


This chapter provides an outline of the expectations the ADB has of the host country as pertains to visa, immigrations, and clearing customs at the airport.

This chapter goes hand in hand with Chapter 14: Airport: Arrival and Departure Arrangements and the two should work in complement with each other as regards logistics, security etc.

Important Information:

  • The host country is expected to grant visas to all registered Annual Meeting participants.
  • If the host country has any special accreditation requirements for any categories of Annual Meeting participants such as media, ADB must be advised of these by August of the year preceding the Annual Meeting.
  • The host country informs all their embassies and consulates about the upcoming Annual Meeting by November of the year preceding the Annual Meeting. 

The host country accords visa facilitation to all official participants in the Annual Meeting in accordance with the provisions of the Agreement Establishing the Asian Development Bank (ADB Charter).  All Governors, Directors, alternates, officers and employees of [ADB], including experts performing missions for [ADB]:

  •  The host country accords visa facilitation to all official participants in the Annual Meeting
    shall be immune from legal process with respect to acts performed by them in their official capacity, except when [ADB] waives the immunity
  • where they are not local citizens or nationals, shall be accorded the same immunities from immigration restrictions, alien registration requirements and national service obligations, and the same facilities as regards exchange regulations, as are accorded by members to the representatives, officials and employees of comparable rank of other members and
  • shall be granted the same treatment in respect of traveling facilities as is accorded by members to representatives, officials, and employees of comparable rank of other members (footnote 4, Chapter VIII, article 55).