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Chapter 8



This chapter seeks to define the expected policies, procedures and protocol as relates to the ADB and the host country’s regular practice in terms of hierarchy and meeting format.

The ADB respects that each country has its own unique way of managing and coordinating VIP delegations, however, protocol does play a significant role in how the annual meeting is run.

It is imperative that the ADB and the host country come to an agreement as to the order of the annual meeting, ensuring both parties are honoring their commitments to their VIPs and key stakeholders.

Important Information:

  • International diplomatic protocol norms are observed at the Annual Meeting. Occasionally, host country’s protocol practices may differ from ADB practice. As such, it is crucial to discuss these nuances at an early stage so that ADB and the host country can chart a way forward.
  • VIP arrangements need to be communicated to ADB as early as possible.
  • ADB treats all Heads of Delegations equally, regardless of their rank.
  • Key areas where protocol is critical are:
    • VIP airport arrangements and courtesies;
    • ground transport;
    • courtesy calls;
    • seating arrangements at key events and receptions;
    • scenarios for certain events attended by Heads of Delegations; and,
    • schedules of VIPs, including the Chair and the ADB President.
  • If the Guest of Honor is the head of state or government of the host country, it is essential that ADB protocol team meets their counterparts no later than February of the year of the Annual Meeting.

ADB Protocol

Protocol plays an important role in the organization of ADB Annual Meetings. ADB protocol is not rigid or overly formal. Correct protocol is intended as a tool to assist the smooth interaction between ADB and its members and partners. At times, ADB protocol procedures and practices vary from those practiced by some of its members. Whenever applicable, ADB takes into account considerations raised by host country protocol. An example is the order of speaking at the Opening Session. Under ADB’s protocol, the Chair usually makes a short address followed by the Guest of Honor and the ADB President. However, in some countries the Guest of Honor might have to speak first.

 During the Annual Meetings, protocol is handled by a unit under the supervision of the ADB Annual Meeting Coordinator.

The ADB Secretary is the decision making authority regarding protocol concerns. During the Annual Meetings, protocol is handled by a unit under the supervision of the ADB Annual Meeting Coordinator. Frequent communication and close coordination with the ADB Annual Meeting Coordinator on protocol is essential to ensure that arrangements for VIPs proceed smoothly. These arrangements include meeting VIPs at the airport; assigning liaison officers; transporting them to their hotels and to the meeting venue; and pertinent information related to the Annual Meeting, including events that they should attend. It also involves arrangements for the Guest of Honor at the opening session, for the Chair of the Board of Governors, and ADB President.

Liaison officers (LOs) shall be assigned to assist in meeting VIPs' needs and address their concerns. Such officers will also be involved in formulating the appropriate opening session scenario with back-up plans should the need arise.