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Chapter 9

Visas, Immigration and Customs Clearance

9.1. Granting of Visas

  1. The host country should instruct its embassies and consulates to grant suitable visas to official participants without delay and without requiring their personal appearance. Appendix 69 contains a possible formal request format. The visa should allow participants to travel in the country before and after the Annual Meeting. In some situations, it may not be possible for applicants to obtain visas in their own countries. In such cases, arrangements should be made to facilitate the granting of an appropriate visa at other convenient locations, to issue visas on arrival, or to issue a "conference card". In some cases, ADB may be able to assist in requesting embassies to facilitate issuance of visas. Appendix 70 has a sample letter.
  2. The host country is expected to grant visas to guests, media, and CSOs and any other expert invited or granted Annual Meeting participant status by ADB, subject, if necessary, to production of written evidence of such invitation or status. The host country is expected to inform ADB of any special requirements for the issuance of a visa to international media. Confirmation letter from ADB may be used by participants and accompanying persons to secure visas to enter the host country. Appendix 71 contains a sample of a confirmation letter.
  3. For ADB personnel participating in the Annual Meeting, the host country is requested to waive visa fees and facilitate visa processing. To assist in this process, ADB provides the host country with a list of ADB personnel requiring visas.
  4.  The host country agrees to undertake the following:
    • Designate a dedicated English-speaking focal person to handle all visa-related matters of participants starting November of the year before the meeting.  Create a designated email account for visa inquiries.
    • Inform all embassies and consulates of the dates of the Annual Meeting and of the requirements to facilitate visa issuance to participants.
    • Prepare a step-by-step online guide in English for participants to apply for a visa, including a visa-on-arrival at the airport (if any).
    • Provide a procedure on the website for participants who come from member countries where the host country does not have embassies or consulates.
    • Ensure that all visa requirements, restrictions and conditions and the detailed procedure on how to address them are available on the website (e.g., host country has restrictions on who may obtain visas, visa issuance may be delayed or required at short notice) by January of the year of the meeting.  Also on-site, provide a dedicated visa desk near registration if needed.
  5. The host country is also expected to reinforce services at international and domestic airports to expedite immigration and customs formalities for participants at the meeting.  A special lane for Annual Meeting participants to be provided at immigration is recommended.