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Chapter 17


17.9. Registration On-site

  1.  The HOC needs to post a focal person in the registration center throughout the Annual Meeting period to handle accreditation of walk-in local participants, in particular government officials and other guests.
    ADB discourages registration on-site for pre-invited participants since it usually leads to delays and congestion if registration will be completed at the registration center. However, it is allowed for representatives of previously accredited organizations and for walk-in local guests, subject to accreditation by the host country.
  2. The HOC needs to post a focal person in the registration center throughout the Annual Meeting period to handle accreditation of walk-in local participants, in particular government officials and other guests. This focal person is also in constant touch with the host country Media Liaison Officer to advise on accreditation of local media participants.
  3. Before the Annual Meeting, all inviting units (i.e., Department of Communications (DOC), Civil Society Center (CSO), and Treasury Department (TD)) submit to the registration unit a list of accredited organizations and names of people who may register onsite. These lists help registration staff decide if an individual who wishes to register onsite is an accredited invitee. 
  4. If a person’s name or organization is not in the lists of accredited participants/organizations, registration staff contact the following officers concerned for accrediting specific type of participants: 
    • For delegates – Respective Board members or their alternates
    • For observers – OSEC
    • For guests – TD, Private Sector Operations Department (PSOD), Procurement, Portfolio and Financial
    • Management Department (PPFD), OSEC, AFE-ADB
    • For CSOs – NGOC
    • For media – DOC
    • For local participants – Host country focal person
  5. These offices nominate one of their staff members to be available or to be on call at all times (whether onsite or remotely from headquarters) to assist in accrediting participants. The ADB offices must consult the host country contact person in the registration center for accreditation of local participants (e.g., bankers and media). 
  6. If the applicant is an observer from an international organization (e.g., the International Monetary Fund or World Bank), he or she needs an official endorsement letter from the head of the international organization. Participants without an endorsement letter require authorization to register from the ADB Secretariat.
  7. Guests may register onsite, but they should be working in an organization that is on ADB's list of previously accredited institutions. ADB normally e-mails guests and requests them to present the e-mail to the registration center to show ADB's approval for them to participate. Guests should also present their business cards at the registration center.
  8. For local media, the Host Country Media and Communications Focal Point must accredit onsite registrants, and identify bonafide media. ADB requests a list of onsite local media registrants from the host country before January.
  9. Onsite registration of individual CSO participants is allowed as long as they belong to previously accredited CSOs. Applicants are requested to present their IDs, business cards, and/or other documentation that indicates their affiliation to an accredited group. There is no onsite accreditation of CSO organizations. 
  10. At the registration center, after the identification and endorsement procedures have been completed, the participant is instructed to self-register online using a personal mobile device or through one of registration counters available. The participant will be issued an Annual Meeting badge upon completion of registration. 
  11. All participants are informed in advance that registration onsite takes 5–10 minutes to complete, so participants should register online to avoid delays. This information is posted on the ADB Annual Meeting website, and included in the invitation letters and subsequent e-mail notification letters.