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Chapter 6


6.1. Categories of Participants

There are three main categories of participants in regard to hotel requirements:

  • Category A comprises ADB personnel (about 200 participants), including the ADB Secretariat and seminar speakers whose accommodation is paid for by the  ADB. Their accommodation is block booked, controlled and paid for by ADB, tax-exempt, and at preferential rates. The hotel accommodation requirements are: one deluxe suite for the ADB President; and two hundred rooms for the Vice-Presidents, Managing Director General, Dean of the ADB Institute, The Secretary, Directors, Alternate Directors, Department Heads, all other ADB staff, and seminar speakers. It is preferred that  all ADB personnel stay in the same hotel (preferably close to the meeting venue), but this is not essential. Directors, Alternate Directors, and Directors' advisors may opt to stay in the same hotel as their delegations, subject to the rates used by ADB as benchmark.
  • Category B consists of Governors, delegates and observers (about 800 persons). The usual demand is for 40–50 suites (of which about 5 should be two-bedroom suites) and 750 rooms, situated in hotels ranging from moderately priced to deluxe. Hotels should be located close to the meeting venue. This accommodation is block booked and at preferential rates. Governors, delegates and observers are advised to make their requests for accommodation directly to the PCO or professional housing agent. To ensure quality hotels are being offered to Category A and B, only 4 and 5 star hotels are included. Special guests, such as former ADB Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and others are also included in Category B, and ADB may assist them in securing a suitable hotel. These rooms are paid for directly by the Governors, delegates and observers.
  • Category C consists of guests, media, and CSOs (about 1,550 guests from banks and financial institutions, plus 350 international media and CSOs). The demand for suites or standard hotel rooms  is around 100. Guests, media representatives, and CSOs are advised to make their requests for accommodation directly to the PCO, professional housing agent, or directly with the hotels if there is no agent. Choices of hotels range from 3-star to 5-star hotels.  These rooms are paid for directly by the guests, media, and CSOs.

A summary of hotel room requirements is shown below. 

ADB Annual Meeting of the Board of Governors. Summary of Hotel Room Requirements
ADB Category  Expected Attendance Composition Room Requirements  Attendee  Remarks Payments
Category A  200 participants ADB staff 1 deluxe suite (or executive suite) President  Preferably close to the meeting venue Block booked Controlled by ADB Preferential rates Room rates only to be paid by ADB; therefore, exempted from taxes. Charges for incidentals to be paid by individual upon check out.
170 rooms Vice-Presidents  (6)
Managing Director General
Dean of the ADB institute
The Secretary
Directors and Alternate Directors
Department Heads
ADB personnel
Seminar speakers 30-35 rooms Seminar speakers
Category B 800 Participants Governors, Delegates and Observers (International Organizations and Country Observers) 40–50 suites (of which about 5 should be two-bedroom suites) Member country representatives Hotels should be located close to the meeting venue Block booked Preferential rates Hotels ranging from moderately priced to deluxe Paid directly by participant - terms of payment  negotiated
750 rooms (i) Representatives of international organizations and countries being considered for membership (ii) Special Guests
Category C 2000 participants Guests 1,550 rooms 100 suites Representatives of banks, financial institutions, industry, legal and private sectors, former ADB employee Negotiated and accredited by Host Country. Preferential rates. Hotels moderately priced to deluxe. Participants are advised to make their requests for accommodation directly with the ground handling agent appointed by the host country or directly with the hotels if there is no agent. Paid directly by individual
Media 300–350 rooms International Media
CSOs CSO representatives