19.4. Seminar Series
In this Section:
Seminar Series
CSO Room
Civil Society Panel Discussions/ Learning with Partners
Meeting between CSOs and ADB Senior Management
Solutions Market
A. Seminar Series
- Three large dedicated rooms that can accommodate up to 200 people theater-styleThree large dedicated rooms that can accommodate up to 200 people theater-style are required, and these should be used for all ADB seminars and institutional events. Ideally, the rooms are close to the entrance hall of the convention center. The Governors’ seminar usually attracts a larger audience (600 people), so a different room must be used for this seminar. For the sponsored seminars, plated lunches are preferred, so different venues are appropriate: two large rooms that can seat 200 persons at round tables.
- Because of the limited number of dedicated seminar rooms, the turnaround time is short; therefore, the room layouts should be kept very similar.
- For all seminars, the following are required:
- elevated stage/podium (for a maximum of 8 speakers), with sufficient and appropriate lighting
- 200 theater-style seating
- lectern with microphone
- comfortable armchairs and coffee tables in between, with a lapel or handheld microphone for each speaker. The table should be large enough for a nameplate, notepad, bottle of water and a glass. There could be 4-8 speakers
- 2 laptops (with Microsoft Office applications, Adobe software, internet connection, and an English keyboard) and 2 workstations to support online question and answer, and social media interaction with the audience
- 2 projection screens or high definition LED screens at the 2 sides of the stage, or one large central unobstructed screen above the panelists
- 2 flat screen TVs (one facing the speakers at the head table as a downstage monitor and the other for outside the room displaying the title, speakers)
- 4 handheld microphones for the audience during the Q&A portion
- wireless slide advancer in case of any presentations
- rectangular table placed outside either for publications/seminar materials or check in
- video and digital recording
- technician(s) inside the seminar room for the duration of the seminar
- lights in the seminar rooms that can be dimmed for video or slideshow presentations
- simultaneous interpretation may be required for some seminars
- coffee and tea set up either inside or outside the room depending on space
- plants/greenery for stage.
- For Governors’ Seminar, the following are required:
- elevated stage/podium (for a maximum of 8 speakers), with sufficient and appropriate lighting
- a small high table/bistro table for moderator
- 6-8 comfortable armchairs and coffee tables in between, with Davos style microphones. The table should be large enough for nameplate, notepad, bottle of water and glass
- 4 laptops (Microsoft Office applications, Adobe software, internet connection, and an English keyboard) and 4 workstations (tables and chairs) to support online question and answer platform, and social media interaction with the audience
- 2 projection screens left and right or a single widescreen LED screens to serve as digital backdrop
- an LCD screen outside the room displaying the title, speakers
- 6 handheld microphones for the audience during the Q&A portion
- rectangular table for publications/seminar materials
- video recording, digital recording and webcasting
- AV technicians inside the room for the duration of the seminar
- lights in the seminar rooms that can be dimmed for video or slideshow presentations
- theater-style seating arrangements with 600 chairs
- simultaneous interpretation facilities (up to 4 booths) with 600 headsets. For the moderator and the panelist single ear headphones should be available
- coffee and tea set up either inside or outside the room depending on space available
- plants/greenery for stage
- printed physical backdrop, if not using any digital backdrop
- 2 signs and stands each for HODs/Governors; ADB Governors/Alternate Governors; ADB Board of Directors; ADB Management; and Media
- For Sponsored Seminars. Requirements and payment are coordinated and arranged directly by the sponsors to the vendors. The sponsors require the following:
- elevated stage/podium
- comfortable armchairs for stage, up to 8 speakers
- coffee tables for stage
- screen(s) with necessary equipment for PowerPoint presentations
- round tables for 8 or 10 pax
- 200 chairs for the round tables
- lectern for speaker
- handheld microphones for Q&A
- registration table outside the room
- For institutional events, the following are required:
- comfortable armchairs for stage, up to 6 speakers
- coffee table for stage
- screen with necessary equipment for PowerPoint presentations
- 100 chairs for the audience
- 6 table or handheld microphones for the speakers and at least 2 handheld microphones for Q&A
- elevated stage/podium
- For the 2 meeting rooms for speakers and coordinators the following are required:
- meeting table and 10 chairs
- sofa chairs and table with seating for 10 persons
- plants
- refreshment table
- coffee, tea and snacks
- For Broadcaster Event
- digital backdrop with ADB, Annual Meeting, and media partner logos
- 5-6 seats with side tables (bottles of water on tables)
- 5-6 headset, hairline style microphones with individual line outs to broadcaster recording equipment
- floral arrangement
- 2 stand microphones
- 2-3 cameras for recording to augment broadcaster cameras
B. CSO Room
- Approximate room size: 200 m2
- Physical setup:
- Lounge area for CSO participants with sofas for 80 people
- 6 round (standing) cocktail tables
- publication table
- TV screens in 4 areas of the room
- coffee, tea, chilled mineral water, and cookies, for 150 persons
- Sample layout:

C. Civil Society Panel Discussions/ Learning with Partners
- Approximate room size: 250 m2
- Estimated attendance: 150 persons
- Physical and technical requirements:
- Theater-style for 120-150 persons
- head table for six persons on an elevated platform
- PowerPoint set-up
- a podium and lectern with a microphone
- a head table for seven persons with a table, 4 hand held microphones, paper, and pen for each speaker
- a laptop, projector and screen (behind the speakers at the head table)
- 1 flat screen TV facing the speakers as a down stage monitor
- video and audio recording
- technician(s) permanently inside the seminar room for the duration of the seminar
- theater-style seating arrangements
- bottled water for the head table and lectern
- Coffee, tea, chilled mineral water, and cookies for 150
- Sample layout:

D. Meeting between CSOs and ADB Senior Management
- Approximate room size: 350 m2
- Estimated attendance: 250 persons
- Physical and technical requirements:
- 250 movable chairs arranged in crescents or amphitheater format
- 2 chairs on low rise stage for President and moderator
- 2 Davos style or handheld microphones
- 4 roving handheld microphones for Q&A and 2 fixed microphones on stands
- video and audio recording
- technicians permanently inside the seminar room for the duration of the seminar
- 9 bottled water on the small tables
- Coffee, tea, chilled mineral water, and cookies for 200
- Sample layout:

E. Solutions Market
A dedicated room that can accommodate 250 people theater-style seating is required. Ideally the room should be close to the CSO Lounge and Seminar area.
- Physical and technical requirements. For all seminars, the following are required:
- a podium with appropriate lighting
- lectern with microphone
- a head table with a table microphone, paper and pens for each speaker
- a laptop (with CD/DVD, Microsoft Office applications, Adobe, internet connection, and an English keyboard)
- projector and screen (behind the speakers at the head table)
- 2 LCD screens (one facing the speakers at the head table and the other for outside the room displaying the title, speakers)
- 4 handheld microphones
- 4 lapel microphones for speakers
- wireless mouse
- table for laptop
- rectangular table for publications/seminar materials
- video and digital recording
- technicians permanently inside the seminar room for the duration of the seminar
- lights that can be dimmed for video or slideshow presentations
- theater-style seating arrangements
- coffee and tea
- bottled water for the head table and lectern, which must be changed after each activity
- plants/greenery for stage