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Chapter 16

Transport, Parking and Shuttle Service

16.4. Transport and Hospitality Desks

  1. Transport desks for car and shuttle bus transport inquiries are required in the meeting venue(s) and also at each hotel where a shuttle bus is provided. Such hospitality desks at hotels may also provide information on tours, shopping, and restaurants, as well as providing shuttle bus schedules. The host country should ensure that staff operating these desks have all of the information that they require, including copies of the shuttle schedule, handbook and directory, and the schedule of events. A shuttle bus schedule should also be posted at each official hotel, preferably in an area where the participants can easily see it. 
  2. Transport desks should be clearly marked with the annual meeting branding and be placed in a prominent position near drop or pick up points. These points should be manned by a well trained transport officer for the duration of the annual meeting and for extended hours outside of meeting open and close times.