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Chapter 16

Transport, Parking and Shuttle Service

16.2. Car Identification

  1. Identification cards for cars in the table above (Appendix 110 contains a sample) facilitate parking and call-up. ADB prepares the car identification cards with members, Management, and secretariat codes to be used in the cars assigned to distinguish the passengers and to allow access to the Annual Meeting venue. It may be that the PCO or host country needs to provide onsite facilities to create back-ups of these identification cards should they be lost or misplaced.
  2. Further, car identification provides easy access to parking facilities for official cars at the meeting venue(s) and at hotels where delegates stay and where official networking functions are held. Paging facilities and transport desks are also available to enable Governors and Heads of Delegations to call their official cars from parking areas when and where required.
  3. Host country will ensure that security details are also briefed as to the relevance of these car identification cards as these define who is permitted in and out of the designated and assigned parking areas.
  4. Chapter 22. Staff Support contains transport staff requirements.