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Chapter 18

Meeting Services

18.3. Headset Distribution Counter

  1.  A headset distribution counter is established outside or inside of the meeting hall for the opening session, business session, the President’s press conferences and any other meetings when there is simultaneous interpretation.
    A headset distribution counter is established outside or inside of the meeting hall for the opening session, business session, the President’s press conferences and any other meetings when there is simultaneous interpretation.  Headsets are placed in audience seats for the opening session, business session, Governors' seminar, Governors' plenary session, and ADB seminars.
  2. For this counter, the furniture and other requirements are
    • table or counter space (2 m x 1 m)
    • four chairs for staff servicing the counter
    • one wastepaper basket
    • Clear signage in English  to identify the headset distribution area, to indicate channel assignments, and to advise participants to return headsets after each session
    • racks for individual headsets
  3. Usually, at least four to five persons are assigned to this counter. They are responsible for
    • issuing headsets to all participants during the sessions with simultaneous interpretation
    • maintaining a daily inventory of the headsets
    • exhausting all possible means of retrieval after each session
    • checking meeting hall(s) after each session for missing headsets
    • if considered necessary, devising forms to acknowledge receipt and return. 
    • Reporting back to the supplier or host country on daily count of  lost headsets
    • Important: Ensure personnel and event staff inside the sessions rooms  are trained to know the list of channels so that if delegates ask once they are in the session, events staff are able to answer.
  4. Appendix 122 contains photographs of the headset distribution center at previous Annual Meetings.
  5. For headset distribution staff requirements, see Chapter 22. Staff Support.