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Chapter 18

Meeting Services

18.5. Medical Services and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities

  1. A medical center, with a nurse or paramedic on duty, a doctor present during working hours, and a standby appropriately equipped ambulance, are required at the meeting venue from 2 days before the opening to the end of the meeting (i.e., days 1 to 4). Doctors must inquire of any patient if they have any allergies and what medications they are taking. A list of physicians, dentists, and optometrists who can be contacted is also available.
    • Registered nurse
    • Experienced with emergencies
    • First aid care
    • Refers medical and surgical cases to the emergency department of the designated hospital
    • Refers emergency dental cases
    • Refers emergency repair of eyeglasses
    • Keeps proper records of sick-room calls
    • Controls medical supplies onsite
    • Assists delegates in all medical matters
    • Responds quickly to an emergency
    • Summons an ambulance if required 
  2.   The medical center is staffed by a doctor and registered nurse between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from 2 days before the opening of the meeting to the end of the meeting
    Medical coverage. All Annual Meeting participants are advised to have their own insurance coverage for all emergency medical, surgical, or hospital expenses.
    • In the event that an official delegate is unable to pay for emergency care during the meeting, the host country, through the responsible department, should guarantee all such expenditures. Any funds spent to assist official delegates should be recovered through the ADB Board member or the embassy or consulate concerned.
  3. Medical center. The medical center is staffed by a doctor and registered nurse between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. from 2 days before the opening of the meeting to the end of the meeting (i.e., days 1 to 4), with one on-duty nurse and one back-up nurse. The medical staff should be fluent in English. A nurse is also on call after hours, and both ADB and the Host Country Secretariats should have this nurse’s mobile phone number. The medical center may have the following furniture, equipment and supplies. It should also be located near a restroom.
    • first aid supplies
    • a doctor's office for patient consultations and prescriptions
    • a relaxation room with one or two beds
    • a room to hold and separate patients with highly contagious viruses
    • a mother and child room for nursing and resting (optional)
    • a surgical room (optional)
    • an intensive care unit
    • a trauma room for life-threatening diseases equipped with:
      • ultrasound equipment
      • electronic cardiogram
      • intensive care bed
      • oxygen
      • special medications
      • laboratory for blood and urine tests
  4. Hospital services. The host country designates a nearby hospital of a suitable standard to be used in the event of an emergency. The designated hospital should have an excellent emergency department, staffed 24 hours a day by emergency doctors.
    • Arrangements must be made with the designated hospital so all properly identified delegates are prioritized. Referrals are made by the professional medical staff at the medical center.
    • The doctors at the emergency department should arrange immediate consultation by a staff physician (as required), as a result of which patients may be admitted directly to the hospital.
    • The hospital must be notified that, because of participants’ wide diversity of insurance coverage, patients should be asked to pay any hospital or medical charges directly and, using the receipt, to file a claim with their own insurance company later. No official participants should have necessary care delayed or denied due to their inability to pay at the time.
    • Arrangements should be made with a local clinic for non-emergency care that cannot be administered at the medical center.
  5. Emergency transport. An appropriately equipped standby ambulance is required at the meeting venue during the meeting period. The mode of transport to the hospital should be decided by the professional medical staff onsite based on the patient's needs.
  6. Dental services. Emergency dental services are also available following referral by the medical center. An after-hours referral dentist’s name, telephone number, and address should also be provided to the nurse on duty.
  7. Optometrist services. Emergency repairs of eyeglasses are available following referral by the medical center. An after-hours referral optometrist’s name, telephone number, and address should also be provided to the nurse on duty.
  8. The host country should identify a first aid station for functions or meetings held outside of the meeting venue. Arrangements should be made for this first aid station to be staffed during the function or meeting.
  9. The Host Country Secretariat must liaise with designated hotels regarding medical services for participants at official ADB hotels. Hotels must be aware of the established procedures and have their own in-house medical arrangements. Regarding medical emergencies at the airport or other point of entry, see Chapter 14. Airport: Arrival and Departure Arrangements.
  10. First aid manual. A first aid manual should be available at every station area (e.g., registration, airport, and information desk at the meeting venue).
  11. Samples of pro forma letters for issuance to participants and designated medical centers are in Appendix 123
  12. Access for Persons with Disabilities
    • Accessibility
      The venue should have automatic doors at all its entrances and shallow grade ramps to provide direct access from road level.  All function rooms should have double-leaf doors to facilitate wheelchair entry.  All levels should be serviced by elevators which are fitted with low-level tactile floor buttons, aural and visual indicators and wide door access. 
    • Conference Facilities
      All public areas should be accessible to wheelchair users. 
    • Car Park
      Parking bays for physically-challenged guests should be available adjacent to the parking level lift landings and shallow grade ramps to provide access from road level. 
    • Wheelchairs
      Wheelchairs should also be available at the venue (at least 4 units), and a procedure on how to access and use them must be agreed.  Specified personnel should be assigned to assist participants with disability (e.g. people who will push a participant in a wheelchair). If somebody requires full-time assistance on wheelchair for the entire duration of the meeting, a procedure must be in place for arranging such requirement. 
    • Toilets
      The venue should have wheelchair accessible toilets adjacent to the public toilets on every level.