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Chapter 6



The purpose of this chapter is to ensure that all parties and stakeholders are aware of the types of hotels required for the annual meeting, expectations of hotel infrastructure and the roles and responsibilities for briefing and engaging them.

The host country plays a key role in securing and blocking rooms for both delegates, Governors and delegations. This process takes place at least 18 months prior to the meeting and may be done by either the host country or appointed PCO.

Hotels are required to have specific infrastructure for certain requirements of the annual meeting including the ability to update and make revisions to hotel room furnishings and interiors.

Note that the hotels are expected to be within walking distance of the main meeting facilities.

Important Information:

  • The host country is responsible for blocking 1000 rooms for Governors and their delegations, and for identifying another 1500-2000 hotel rooms for other participants, at least 18 months before the Annual Meeting.
  • The host country or PCO should immediately assign a focal person for hotel accommodation, who will ensure advance hotel negotiations/reservations  at least 18-24 months before the Annual Meeting. 
  • Information about hotels and the booking procedure is on the website by the November before the Annual Meeting.
  • Hotel reservations are handled by a professional housing agent or PCO who has a good relationship with hotels in the host city.
  • The procedure for booking hotel rooms is agreed on among ADB, the host country, and the PCO by July before the Annual Meeting.
  • The PCO sends ADB and the host country key updates and reports on the accommodation bookings on a regular basis to ensure expectations are managed regarding attrition and contractual negotiations.
  • ADB conducts a briefing for hotels to include all the protocol required for the guests as well as sustainability considerations.  This includes the security procedures required and the availability of an emergency response plan in case of accident/incidents/loss of property or valuables. 
  • A mission to visit the hotels will be conducted by ADB in the months prior to the meeting and more information on this specific mission can be found in Chapter 3. Meetings and ADB Missions.

The host country is expected to arrange the availability of suitable hotel accommodation for all participants at the meeting (about 3000 rooms). Engagement of a professional housing agent or a PCO to manage these negotiations is highly recommended. The organization and supervision of room allocations and  liaison with the hotels should also be done by a highly experienced PCO or HC Coordinator with expertise in large events. So while the host country and ADB must agree on the procedure for booking hotel rooms for all categories of participants, the professional housing agent or PCO handles the direct bookings.